
!!! New wife and ongoing renovations :-(

March 23, 2013 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Hi All
Wow, looks like the new resident female has added some new material to the nest box. 

Don’t panic, as the small pieces of wood that you see are bits of a small 2×2 that the new resident female has been “picking away at for months”. It’s a small 2×2 from the outside upper roof area of the nest box. Sadly, we couldn’t get to it in time last fall – (to replace it or to simply remove it). **Remembering that we need a full window washers swing stage and a crew to get to the nest ledge.

That being said, it looks like she’s doing a fine job with it - all on her own. No danger or worries as we have been very much aware of the loose 2×2. The new resident adult female seemed very unhappy with the loose 2×2 (the old glue has finally let go and the small piece of 2×2 was separating itself from the upper outside roof portion of the nest box),,,, so it appears that she is / has removed it on her own.

Let’s hope that she doesn’t decide to do a “complete interior renovation” of the entire nest box and starts moving the walls!!!

Poor Sante – (her feathered mate) has had enough challenges and stress to deal with last year when his mate disappeared, two of his fledglings were killed, then had to defend his territory and remaining fledgling from the rouge female intruder - (now his current mate by the way) and then having to raise his surviving offspring all on his own while still having to defend both her and the territory!!

We will replace the 2×2 at banding time. I have a new piece in hand that has already been cut to size, stained – (colour matched) to the existing nest box. It’s not actually a critical piece, as much as it is for cosmetic appearances of the nest box itself. We like our nest boxes with curb-appeal!
Stay tuned, eggs are just around the corner…………….

Looks like Eggs soon to come

March 23, 2013 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

Marion Nash Reports:

March 23, 2013

Caught both adults on nest today at the Toronto Sheraton nest. RM looks like she is going to put down eggs soon. When she got up there were none yet.

!!! Some great photos of the Scarborough Yellow Pages peregrines from a different view!

March 19, 2013 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

CPF Postmaster Reports:

March 19th - 2013
A huge thank you to David Goodfellow who spent the time to find us, we may now have someone very close to the Scarborough Yellow pages nest site that has some elevation (and very close to the peregrines winter roosting spot)!

While the first lot of photos that he has sent into us are not the most recent - (taken 2010, 2011 and 2012), they do show some great close-up views of Linn and her mate, in addition to some other very interesting regular avian visitors. He admits that he rarely see’s the grins in the summer time (as they are typically incubating and raising their hatchlings over at the Yellow pages building nest site). This observation and behaviour is very consistent to many of our other resident urban peregrines in that most of them have different fall and winter roosts, hunting areas and other hang-outs. While they are still very much “on territory” and watching and protecting the nest area’s very closely, they don’t spent allot of time on the nest ledges in the fall and winter months.

After seeing the first lot of peregrine photos, we can wait to see what else David has been able to capture on film! Great shots David!!

Other more recent observation reports of the Yellow pages pair, reports both resident adults are very much on site with lots of courtship activities going on!
Stay tuned……………

Kestral Red-tailed hawk

!!! Territorial adult still on site, but unbanded!

March 21, 2013 - Ottawa - Delta Ottawa City Centre

CPF Postmaster Reports:

March 21st - 2013
A huge thank you to both Melanie Gilhen for the great photos and to Gillian Cooper for getting them to us.
Melanie was in the right place at the right time and happened to capture some great photos of the resident adult on the Delta Hotel enjoying a morning meal. Sadly, the adult peregrine is not banded and no-one can be sure just who it really is. Speculation abounds as to the birds identity, but sadly, without a band number, there is no real way to confirm the birds identity or it history.

There was only one peregrine observed, but fingers crossed, given that its still on territory, we all have our fingers crossed that there is a mate not too far away!

**Most of the other southern Ontario urban nest sites are already involved in some serious courtship activities and/or egg production.

It would appear that Etobicoke Sun Life pair have started to lay eggs and the Burlington Lift Bridge pair may already be involved in at least part time incubation duties.

!!! Both adult residents on site, multiple copulations observed!

March 22, 2013 - Mississauga - Holcim

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Friday March 22nd- 2013
5:58pm - While both resident adults were visible for about 45 minutes today while I was onsite, the pair were very busy this evening. Several copulations between the two were observed, each time with the adult male returning back to the corner of the nest ledge, followed by the female. The adult female then disappeared back into the nest ledge where she stayed for 8 to 10 minutes at a time. She re-appeared and the two repeated the entire exercise over the 45 minutes that I was on site.

Sadly I didn’t have a camera with me as the observation view from Avonhead Road is a fantastic vantage point to see the birds and the nest ledge! I’ll be bringing the camera next time for sure!!

It would appear that the two are not yet incubating any eggs, but egg production is just days away.
stay tuned…………

!!! What is going on?

March 22, 2013 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

Kathy Reports:

Due to the weather the past week or so it has been somewhat challenging to determine what is going on up on the ledge from the ground.

All I can say for certain is that both falcons, when they are here, have been sitting tight to the ledge.  O’connor is spending most of her time either on the web cam dozing, on the nest ledge by the nest box or in the nest box.

Not much of an update but it’s the best I’ve got right now.

!!! Main Web camera is emporarily off line. Stay tuned.

March 20, 2013 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

Mark Nash Reports:

March 20th - 2013
We are experiencing some problems at the server level with the main web cam at the Toronto Sheraton centre. Stay tuned, as we are working on the problem.
No eggs as yet.

!!! At Home

March 19, 2013 - Toronto - King Street

Linda Woods Reports:

Peter Back at Hearn

March 19, 2013 - Toronto - Hearn Power Station

Tracy Simpson Reports:

Bruce and I decided that on a nice sunny day it would be a great opportunity to head down to the Hearn Generating Station for a site check on Peter and his unbanded lady.  When we arrived, there were no peregrines to be seen and all was quiet.  We waited for a while and still nothing was happening.  Just as we were about to head further down the road to investigate, in bombs Peter from the south and he whipped through the nest area  before landing on one of the south ledges in the sun.  He sat there for some time vocalizing here and there before taking off around the east end of the plant and disappearing from our view.  We then decided to drive around to the Commissioners side and although we couldn’t see Peter or his mate, the male could clearly be heard as his eechupping echoed throughout the back of the plant.  We headed back around to the south side of the plant for one last check but Peter was nowhere to be seen.  It was great to see that he is still on site and we look forward to watching him and his new mate this nesting season.

Canada Square Getting Serious About the Season

March 19, 2013 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

Bruce Massey Reports:

I stopped in at the Canada Square nest site on Saturday for a site check on Stormin and Haven as we are getting closer to the nesting season.  At first I was able to locate Stormin on the south upper ledge of the Rio Can building but Haven was not to be seen.  I did a walk about and found Haven on the south side of the TVO building and she was very active, flying off and then returning to the same corner.  I repositioned myself back over at Duplex and Eglinton and sat down waiting for some action.  I was not disappointed.  Haven came flying in and landed on the south face of the Rio Can a few floors directly below Stormin.  The male kept looking down at her and watching her body language as she sat roosting.  Believing her to be receptive, Stormin took off of the roof ledge and flew down to mate with Haven.  Success!!  He then returned to the Rio Can roof and they both preened for a while.  Haven then took off like a bullet to the south with Stormin hot on her tail and the pair of them were chasing something quite vigorously.  All I can say is that there is a Kestrel out there that won’t be hanging around THEIR nest anymore!!  Haven returned to the Rio Can to roost and Stormin positioned himself on the upright above the old nest ledge.  It was great to see the pair in action and that spring is most definately on track here.