

June 18, 2024 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Cathy Kerr Reports:
FLEDGE WATCH UPDATE - MISSISSAUGA EXECUTIVE CENTRE (MEC) - Saturday, June 15 - Tuesday, June 18, 2024
It is with great sadness that I am reporting the loss of our beloved COOPER (green tape).  Winston found her body on Saturday on an overhang low down on MEC1 which appears to be the result of an impact with the building.  Man, this is so hard
Because of this very hot week, Bruce and Winston came by in the evening, and I share Bruce’s report  “From what Winston and I saw tonight, I think that the MEC watch can be scaled back to spot checks.  It looks like the pair are flying together, and they weren’t getting into too much danger.  They were respectful of each other and if one wanted to break off and land the other one was allowing it
I wish so much for ALDA and OLYMPIA to be successful in learning all that it takes to move on to their next phase in life
Cheers, Lucie


June 14, 2024 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Cathy Kerr Reports:
Bruce reported seeing all 3 juvies when he arrived late morning on Tuesday, June 11.  However, late afternoon, he saw one flying in from across the street at CIBC and make a light impact on the glass of MEC2, then he lost sight.  He found her on a light standard further down Hurontario and identified OLYMPIA (white tape).
For the next couple of days Bruce and Winston kept an eye on white who was hanging out on a couple of buildings across the street, while red and green remained on the MEC roofs making short and successful flights.  At times we wondered if white had actually returned to the MEC roofs as we thought we were seeing a third juvie .. but we don’t know for sure.
Thursday, June 13.  The winds made it very challenging as any where I watched I was in some kind of wind tunnel.  I can only imagine how strong the winds were for the juvies.  I hoped that for today at least they would remain put as maybe they were not strong enough yet to handle it.  When I arrived early afternoon, both green and red were on MEC2.  Bruce was watching white who was perched on the roof of a steakhouse south of Square One. While I had my eye on both juvies on the roof, Bruce got a call from security that one came to ground just in front of MEC 1 and then took off.  I thought it was white, but it couldn’t be because Bruce was watching her.  Turns out that in the blink of eye, one juvie was gone from MEC 2 roof and landed in front of MEC1 where security saw her.  I don’t know what happened .. the wind, an intruder (I heard alarm calls from a parent)?   I got a photo of COOPER and ALDA at 5:37 pm and Bruce’s call to me was at 5:39.   I thought my eyes were deceiving me, but then I watched as a parent brought food to the roof and only one juvie was there to receive it.  She was well fed, since I’m sure mom and dad didn’t want her going anywhere.  I started searching the area and found COOPER (green) in the parking lot of MEC4 just off the ground, but not in a contained area where I could easily catch her.  Bruce came to help and between the two us, we still couldn’t get her.  She took off, circled around and immediately a parent showed up to guide her.  The winds were very strong and with all her efforts she couldn’t get height and gently hit the glass about the 1/3 of the way up and dropped on the low glass roof of MEC 4.  It was getting late and we figured she wasn’t going anywhere so Bruce and I left.  Winston was heading out too but checked in on her and it looked like she was there for the night.
With OLYMPIA (white), however, it was a different story.  Winston was across the street near the Walmart and saw her fly from the building she was on towards MEC1 where she hit the glass and went down and out of sight.  Sigh!  He was sure she was alive and just coasted somewhere and the parents were with her.
End of day - red on roof, green on low glass roof of  MEC4 and white hopefully alive somewhere.  I was not looking forward to Friday.
Friday, June 14.  Coming in solo today, I was a bit nervous on what might await.  The first place I checked  was MEC4 where COOPER (green) was last seen. Scanning the area, I saw a juvie on a condo just east chilling on a rooftop.  The first thought was that this was green, but I couldn’t see a tape colour.    So I figured I would try to find the other two.  Sure enough, I found red on the top of MEC3 swing stage arm.  And .. thank goodness, alive and well - white was on the roof of MEC4 screaming for food.  Hours went by with nothing happening, so I ran a quick errand, and when I came back I parked myself where I could see MEC 1, 3 and 4.   Before long, I looked up and saw 3 juvies!!!!  Where and when green came from, I don’t know, but all was great at that moment.  So much excitement - mine seeing them, and them seeing mom bringing food.  It would be nice to say that fledge watch can be tapered down, but perhaps not yet.  It was all good at the end of the evening.  Let’s hope it stays that way.  Cheers, Lucie


June 10, 2024 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Cathy Kerr Reports:
FLEDGE WATCH - MISSISSAUGA EXECUTIVE CENTRE (MEC) - Friday, June 7 - Monday, June 10.   To summarize, it’s been an up and down and then up again kind of weekend.
Friday, June 7 was a very rainy day.  Both Bruce and Winston report that all 3 remained on MEC 3 roof all day.
Saturday, June 8 was a different scenario.  Winston saw white come to ground, but couldn’t get to her fast enough.  She took off and the strong winds took her over the trees to somewhere ..   He had to leave before I got there, but Cathy and Sally, from Duncan Mill site, came over for awhile and did a search of the area where she headed with no luck.  I saw no sign of white for the rest of the day.   Winston came back to check around 8 and saw both red and green on the roof of MEC 3.  With the strong winds, it’s good that they stayed put. End of day - red and green on roof, white down somewhere
Sunday, June 9, got more interesting. And quite the day for me!
Winston came by in the late morning and saw red make 2 flights!  Second landing was not the greatest.  She missed the roof and ended up on the window level under the letters.  He saw Midnight kiting over the creek and thought she was looking at the roof of MEC 1 or some place beyond north of the buildings.  Lot of vocalizing from the crows too. I got there mid-afternoon and with the thought of white possibly being on MEC 1 in an area that might not be the greatest, I asked security to take me up where I can open the door and check in the area we call the ‘pit’.  Not the best place for a young peregrine to get stuck so good to check just in case.  The pit was all clear except for 2 pigeons that I interrupted.
I watched green on MEC 3 roof and red just underneath the letters and above the windows.  I parked myself out of the rain across the street where I got a good view of these 2.  I heard them screaming and one scream didn’t sound like it was coming from the roof.  It came from the trees beside me and sure enough, there was white.  I don’t know how long she’s been there, but it’s clear she’s been down for over a day and must be very hungry.  It didn’t help that when she vocalized, the crows were right there in her face vocalizing as well.  As I turned to look at the other 2 on the roof, I encountered mayhem in the sky!  Trying to figure out who’s who ..  2 parents, 1 juvie and the rest were crows.  Turns out red is now right beside me on a low roof (10 feet off the ground) on MEC 2 while her parents are swooping at the crows that were harassing her.  The crows had young ones in a tree right beside the roof and they were not pleased.  Security took me to a floor where I could see the roof, but nothing in sight.  I figured she was tucked in a corner.  So they took me across the street to the 10th floor of MEC 3 where I saw a tiny head (and as suspected) tucked in the corner.  Winston came by and I told him where she was but by the time I got back to MEC 2, she had popped up on the ledge where anyone could get great photos of her.  End of day - green on roof of MEC 3 (still hasn’t flown), red on low roof, white around the corner in a tree.
Monday, June 10, things were looking up (literally).  When Bruce arrived, red was still on the low roof, but white was now up on the roof with green! We hope white got a good feeding after that successful flight back up.  It was mostly a waiting game now with red trying to figure out what to do.  At around 7:00 pm, while sitting in her corner on the ledge, she lost her footing and went straight to the ground right in front me.  Bruce and I had her cornered and got her!  We put her back on the roof with her sisters, where at the end of the evening mom came by and gave her a good feeding.  End of day - all 3 back up on roof.
Cheers, Lucie


June 06, 2024 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Cathy Kerr Reports:
FLEDGE WATCH - MISSISSAUGA EXECUTIVE CENTRE (MEC) - Thursday, June 6 - GOOD NEWS!!!  OLYMPIA (white tape) has popped up!
ALDA (red) and COOPER (green/yellow) were still on MEC 3 roof today, same place as we left them yesterday.  After watching, waiting, hoping and searching all day Wednesday and today, it was around 7:00 pm when Bruce spotted 3 juvies on MEC 3 roof.   I was determined to get a photo of the tape colour.  Winston arrived just in time to get the good news and continued to keep watch after Bruce and I left.  He reported all were on the roof at the end of the day.  Thank goodness too .. the winds were very strong and it’s best that they stayed put.   So when OLYMPIA popped up, she would have actually had to fly from MEC 1 to 3, so her first fledge was indeed successful.  We don’t know when that happened - she could have flown to join her sisters after the rescues   What we do know - we had a happy ending today!  Cheers, Lucie


June 05, 2024 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Cathy Kerr Reports:
An emotional start to fledge watch this year.  Two rescues, a missing juvie and a fatality :(   When I arrived around 1:00 pm and just about to get an update from Bruce, security called him that they found CONNOR (blue tape).  Bruce mentioned that he heard crows vocalizing earlier but doesn’t know if/how this may have contributed to the loss of MEC’s only boy.  OLYMPIA (white tape) has not been seen at all.  The only good news we have at the moment are our two rescues.  Yesterday, COOPER (green over yellow tape) was found by security and Bruce put her on the roof of #3 today.  At the same time, ALDA (red tape) was on the ground .. apparently for at least a day .. as someone showed Bruce a photo of her they took yesterday at noon!  Bruce caught her (she is a very feisty girl) and put her on the roof with her sister where they both remained for the rest of the day.  Thank you to fellow watchers, Rob and Winston, who are helping with this site
(Not so many) Cheers, Lucie


May 23, 2024 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Cathy Kerr Reports:
Lovely day for MEC banding (Mississauga Executive Centre)… It’s 3 girls and a boy for Midnight and Renegade!!
We headed up to the roof where the swing stage, provided by Skyreach (many thanks!) was waiting and Jay the operator, who has been helping out for many years.   And so was Midnight! She hung around us the whole time, quite chill, watching us. The kids were on the balcony and she kept checking on them. Once the stage started down, she hustled them in the box and in she went too. And never left until the kids were back!  John got them out and safely in the bag, Lucie and I hauled them up and into the building to get their bling.  Thanks to Lucie for overcoming her fear of heights to help me out(and we got to see Midnight up close… A thrill)
Eva did a great job of banding these 4 very vocal, fiesty (VERY fiesty) chicks.  Thank you again Eva!
We were joined by the daycare kids at the end and they were thrilled see Cooper get banded. So cute, one child said that they were chickens lol and another owls (a Raptor at least).. Adorable.
Then it was time to get them home to their mom.  John quickly put them back and done! Another great job John.
Dad finally showed up and we can confirm no bands… Looks like Renegade still reigns!
Alda, female, 905g, 41/AB, red tape
Olympia, female, 850g, 42/AB, white tape
Connor, male, 640g, C/54, blue tape
Cooper, female, 880g, 43/AB, green on yellow tape
We wish these fiesty 4 a good fledge!

And 4 for MEC!

May 10, 2024 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Cathy Kerr Reports:

Fantastic news from MEC…. 4 chicks!! And the camera is up and running too! We got a call from the building asking when we were going to band the chicks… So I headed out to check and get that camera working lol. Many thanks to Chris, Marcos and Mohamed for their help. Four beautiful chicks! I got Kathy Majich on it, and she is trying to confirm that it’s still Midnight there. When we get a good look at her band, we will let you know. Oldest chick looks to be about 13 days old.

Update:  It is Midnight!!

June 10th Another sad day at MEC.

June 10, 2023 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Marion Nash Reports:

Scuttle took a flight but hit a window too hard and did not survive. So the only survivor at this point is Dragon Heart however, Just after 2:00 PM Dragon Heart flew, tried for the west side if MEC 1, came down around the loading doc then flew over and hung on the Nursery stairs for a minute. She flew past Bruce and came down but he managed to catch her up and if she is ok she will be released tonight by Mark. Hopefully Se stays high and away from windows.Hopefully see photo of her in the carrier. Mark Successfully released her on the roof of the nest building tonight. You sure have to have some seriously thick skin to do this job. Thanks to Bruce and Lucie for being there for these chicks.

Sad news at MEC

June 06, 2023 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Cathy Kerr Reports:
UPDATE MEC :  From Bruce
It started unexpectedly last Friday as I went out to do a  Assessment.  Didn’t see much, until one of thr Gardiners found a Juvenile on the Ground. It turned out to be Scuttle(”Yellow”) . She was rescued and released Friday/Saturday morning.
She finally popped up during the Evening Shift.
SAD NEWS:   On Monday  as I was driving to MEC, I received a Call from MEC Security that a Juvenile had been found deceased @ around 5:30 AM.  It turned out to be Rana.
On Tuesday evening just before leaving I checked the Nest Ledge and much to my surprise there were 2 Juveniles on it.  Sometime through the day, Scuttle had snuck back to the Nest unseen and joined her sister Dragon Heart.
On Thursday Afternoon Scuttle came down again & was put back on Nest Building.
Thanks Bruce for all your time at MEC and this report.
RIP little Rana

Rescue of Scuttle at MEC June 2nd

June 03, 2023 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Marion Nash Reports:

MEC fledge watch started unofficially yesterday. based on the age of the chicks we started the watch but did not expect any of the chicks to fly yet as they still had so much fluff on them.. Bruce was on site so when security saw one of the fledglings on the ground they contacted him and the chick was rescued. The chick made Bruce do a bit of running to catch her. Bruce called me to let me know she was in the carrier inside MEC1 to hold for later release because not having seen her come down we wanted to make sure she was ok. It turns out it was Scutttle and he believed since she was found at the base of the building she slipped of the edge and fluttered down to the ground so no actual intended flight. Mark went out last night to examine her and found her to be just fine and agreed with so much down still on her she did have a slip off the ledge. She was put back up on the roof so Mom and Dad can find her in the morning. Hopefully Scuttle will hold off on scuttling on the edge until she is a bit older and ready to fly.