August 20, 2023 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Marion Nash Reports:
I recently got an email message from Terri Martin and photos of a peregrine he’d seen on August 17th on Halls Rd in Ajax. The band number C over 44 could clearly be seen in his photos along with a shot showing the red tape on the silver band. This is Linn’s boy Yorgos the only chick hatched this spring at the Scarborough Yellow Pages nest site. I was so happy to see he was alive and doing well and looking very healthy. I always wonder when they leave the nest site area and start hunting on their own how they are doing so since Mark and I did the fledge watch there we were very happy to see this report and photos. A big thank you to Terri Martin for sending us his sighting information and for the photos.
Posted on August 20, 2023 8:55 pm
June 24, 2023 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Bruce Massey Reports:
Bruce reports
Yorgos is doing fine flying around and landing on the upper levels of the nest building.
Posted on June 24, 2023 5:01 pm
June 23, 2023 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Marion Nash Reports:
Bruce went out this morning to check on Yorgos and he is still on the peak of the roof being watched over by Linn so all is well.
Posted on June 23, 2023 11:08 am
June 22, 2023 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Marion Nash Reports:
When Bruce and I arrived we found Yorgos back on the 2nd floor level of the nest building above the shipping doors and Dad sitting on the glass pyramid above keeping watch . We had just got our chairs set up at the far east end of the parking lot to watch him and he flew off heading back towards the Kitchen building again. Bruce walked over to the west side of the parking lot and spotted him on the Kitchen building this time only 2 floors down from the roof so he had gained quite a bit of altitude. We the car over to the other end of the parking lot and set up our chairs on the grass boulevard to watch. He was content to sit on the window ledge for a while and Bruce said ok looks like he is going to stay put for a while so he headed in to the bathroom a few minutes later I got a text and was just typing my second word when Bruce came up from behind me and said where is he? I looked up and the little bugger was gone I only looked away for a few seconds. The search was on again it took about 2 hours but I finally saw mom flying over the top of the Nest building and I heard Yorgos yelling back at her. I called Bruce and told him he is up on the nest building somewhere but I can see him I can hear him clearly though. Bruce came back to join me and we searched the ledges with our binoculars but could not see him. Bruce went across the street to watch the west side and I stayed put to watch the south. About a half hour later dad stooped and grabbed a small bird right above me and flew off th the kitchen. Bruce said lets see where he takes the food. There was a in air transfer to Linn and she took it to the top peak of Yellow Pages made a couple of false landings and finally flew off without the food. Bruce looked up and said he thought he saw him up there so I used my Camera to zoom in and yes he was there. Linn came in and landed and watched him eat then flew down to the lower corner to the triangle peak to watch for a while. I don’t know because I did not see him fly there but I think the wind helped him get altitude because it was so windy today. He has learned to fly some distance to gain altitude and then use the other buildings as a step ladder to get higher and has gained the highest point in the area so we are now going to spot checks and Bruce will be out to check on him tomorrow.
Posted on June 22, 2023 11:31 pm
June 22, 2023 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Marion Nash Reports:
Bruce and I to find Yorgos and Linn exactly where Mark left them last night Yorgos on the 2nd floor ledge above the shipping door and Linn on the lamp post watching him. We could see a leftovers food package sitting beside Yorgos and he had a full crop so she had fed him before we got there. And was comfortable sitting in the morning sun. Linn was preening and watching him and now watching us as well until a Red Wing Black Bird decided to stoop her. The Red Wing continued to pester her for over an hour before she finally decided she had enough of that and flew to a higher ledge on the building above Yorgos to watch her fledgling. Yorgos ran the ledge and did a lot of flapping for most of the morning and practiced hopping up on an air vent dozens of tines it was quite a game for him some times slipping off and trying again he played killing his leftover food for a wile and when he got board with that he threw it off the ledge to the ground and walked back over to the corner above the shipping door and settled down in a small shady spot and Linn flew off on a hunt. Later in the afternoon Yorgos decided to take flight and flew out over the parking lot gained height then flew west toward the building across the street losing some height and out of our sight. Bruce went after him looking all over the ground and lower ledges of the buildings and the roofs of the town homes on Millner. I joined him on the search and we finally found him on the forth floor window ledge of the building we call the Kitchen where Linn likes to prep food across from Yellow Pages. The ledge is slanted but had a ruff coating so I knew he would not slip off but it did take him a while to settle down and get his footing. He walked back and forth the ledge for a while before he decided to have a nap and there we sat watching him until Mark joined us for the evening watch. By sunset he was still sitting there comfortable and quite and Linn flew to a corner of the nest building where she could keep and eye on him and when it got dark we packed up to head home. Hopefully the takes another flight and gains height tomorrow.
Posted on June 22, 2023 9:14 am
June 20, 2023 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Marion Nash Reports:
Yorgos did a nice flight along the overhand/canopy that runs the entire east side of the building so he is practising.
Linn checking in on the fledgling- brings him a single crappy pigeon leg (absolutely no meat on it)… and he’s not the slightest interested in it…LOL ??????
Sunset and the two are still standing together in quite a “family moment” touching beaks. She tried several times again to feed him the pigeon leg but he’s looking at it like it’s “yuk on a stick
No more flights and he is still on the overhang above the shipping doors
Linn is back on the lamp post in front of the shipping yelling at me and watching me VERY CLOSELY!
Posted on June 20, 2023 10:18 pm
June 20, 2023 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Marion Nash Reports:
Yorgos has fledged
Mark stopped off at Petra/Yellow Pages to check on Yorgos. When he arrived Yorgos was on the overhang ledge above the shipping doors so one floor up from the ground. Linn was above screaming at him trying to get him to fly up off of there. When she saw Mark she started screaming at him and Yorgos ran down the ledge heading north. Mark called me to let me know I was a day off on my plan to start the fledge watch so he would stay and keep an eye on him. Well I hope he get some altitude before tomorrow.
Posted on June 20, 2023 2:56 pm
June 19, 2023 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Marion Nash Reports:
I reported earlier that we had gone to check on him to decide when we should start the fledge watch and after an extensive search could not find him on any ledge. Well I have no idea how we missed him but he is now on the 12th floor area alive and well. The fledge watch will be starting in the next day or 2 so hears hoping he wont play hide and seek with anymore. I would appear the Linn from Rochester has become quite foxy and her attempts to hide her chicks has become better over the years lol.
Posted on June 19, 2023 2:50 pm
June 12, 2023 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Marion Nash Reports:
We went to check on the nest site to see how Yorgos is doing and figure out when we will start the fledge watch at Petra formally Yellow Pages Building nest. . We could not see the chick for hours and no feedings at all. We decided to go up and checked on all the ledges and could not find him. He was nowhere on the ground and not on the building. He would not be ready to fly yet so sadly we assume he was taken by an owl at night when the adults were unable to defend. Such a shame as he was the only chick.
Posted on June 12, 2023 11:50 pm
May 25, 2023 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Marion Nash Reports:
Photos of Lyn’s chicks taken by Mark Nash May 23rd. The chicks will be banded June 2nd at 2:00 PM although this year it will not be a public banding.
Posted on May 25, 2023 7:28 pm