
Peter Back at Hearn

March 19, 2013 - Toronto - Hearn Power Station

Tracy Simpson Reports:

Bruce and I decided that on a nice sunny day it would be a great opportunity to head down to the Hearn Generating Station for a site check on Peter and his unbanded lady.  When we arrived, there were no peregrines to be seen and all was quiet.  We waited for a while and still nothing was happening.  Just as we were about to head further down the road to investigate, in bombs Peter from the south and he whipped through the nest area  before landing on one of the south ledges in the sun.  He sat there for some time vocalizing here and there before taking off around the east end of the plant and disappearing from our view.  We then decided to drive around to the Commissioners side and although we couldn’t see Peter or his mate, the male could clearly be heard as his eechupping echoed throughout the back of the plant.  We headed back around to the south side of the plant for one last check but Peter was nowhere to be seen.  It was great to see that he is still on site and we look forward to watching him and his new mate this nesting season.