
A family affair.

July 23, 2012 - Kitchener - CTV-Bell Media Tower

CPF Postmaster Reports:

July 23 -2012
8:15 am Junior on Papa’s roostSpoke to Tony - Junior had been up on the top parapet earlier this am 9-10 am Kelly - Junior playing tag with one of the adults (Tony also saw them playing tag around the Bldg)12:30 pm - Junior king st side louvres, napping & lying down- Caster above on large section perch; Statler on park st side lrg section perch napping / the whole famdamily!
7:45-9:00 pm - Junior on Caster’s union side perch 9:00 Junior swooped down & up to the short section and then hopped down to the louvre on that side to roost for the night - no sign of Statler or Caster.
Lisa Reh

Site Check on Peter and His Three at Hearn

July 29, 2012 - Toronto - Hearn Power Station

Bruce Massey Reports:

Yesterday, my last and final stop on the tour was at the Hearn Generating Station to check up on Peter and his three strong fliers.  When I arrived, there was an adult bird on the plant to the east on one of the towers that I initially thought might be Peter, the resident male.  A sweep of the nest area revealed Peter sleeping in the iron gridwork of the structure which meant that the bird to the east was the unidentified adult female that has been seen at the site recently attempting to court Peter and claim the territory that is now void of a female.  There was no sign of the youngsters, Dark One, Dolly or Tiny, but in such a prey rich environment down on the lakeshore, I am sure they were off exploring and trying out new skills.  Peter has done a fantastic job in caring for and defending his family and for a young male of 2 years of age, he has learned and gained invaluable life skills that will make him very successful in years to come.  I will continue to observe the site and try to identify our new female in the territory!

Third Stop on the Tour; Don Valley ICICI Building to See Ben and Len

July 29, 2012 - International, National and Local News

Bruce Massey Reports:

Yesterday I also made a stop in at the ICICI building to check up on our newest peregrine family.  When I arrived, I found an adult on the nest building and the other adult on the DeBeers sign.  There was no sign at the time of Ben and Len but they’ve done this to me before!!  I walked around the buildings but still no sign of the juveniles.  One of their favorite places to nap at this time of day is the ledges at the top of the window sections and that is where I found them at my last visit.  I sure if I stood under the windows and listened really hard, I would hear the sounds of peregrines snoring!!  These two boys, Ben with the yellow tape and Len with the blue tape, are flying exceptionally well and I will check back in on them again soon at non nap time!!

The Whole Family Together at Yellow Pages

July 29, 2012 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Bruce Massey Reports:

I made another stop yesterday on my east end nest site tour at the Yellow Pages building to check in on Linn, Rueben and the boys.  Often times when I stop in here I am unable to locate the family as they are further afield hunting and training the young but today I was treated to seeing all four on the nest building.  I was able to identify Paul by his blue tape for sure and the other juvenile male that came in from the west was Albus.  All are flying very well and it was nice to see them all together.

Kendal Gets a Brief Break at 220 Duncan Mill Road

July 29, 2012 - Toronto - Don Mills

Bruce Massey Reports:

I stopped by the Duncan Mill Rd nest site yesterday to check in on Quest, Kendal and their three young fliers.  When I arrived, Kendal was relaxing on the west end of 220 Duncan Mill Road and the others were off on a hunt elsewhere.  I walked the perimeter but was unable to find another member of the family but my timing was right around the morning hunt and so I was not surprised to see them out.  Kendal looked quite pleased that he had the whole place to himself for a change but we know that won’t last.  Pretty soon the kids will be back and chasing him all over the nest building!!  Enjoy it while you can, Kendal!!

!!! Statler and Caster attending to Jr.

July 25, 2012 - Kitchener - CTV-Bell Media Tower

CPF Postmaster Reports:

July 25th -2012
Hope all is well….a bit of an update…
A bunch of us were out last night to see if you could see the Sunlife peregrine family. At about 7pm I got to the area and I saw one of them fly off the building for what seemed to be a quick flight. I was observing from Park St…couldn’t tell if it was an adult or the JR…I travelled around the building a few times with no other observations. An elderly couple had also stopped by earlier to try for a viewing but no viewings happened when they were there. I sat in the main parking lot and eventually me up with Tony, Lisa, Steve, Geraldine, John and Debbie…great to see so many concerned volunteers. It wasn’t until about 9:10 pm that one of the adults flew in with a kill. It seemed to have difficult getting onto the building as it made a few attempts…the kill seemed rather large…I have attached an image. Maybe you can tell if this is Mom or Dad…I think Mom but stand to be corrected. When she landed, there sure was a lot of screeching going on but the juvenile could not be seen from any vantage point. Mom cleaned up the kill and eventually flew into the louvered area and the noise settled down…persumably a happy camper now…

Karen von Knobloch

!!! O’Connor hanging out!

July 27, 2012 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

Kathy Reports:

Saw O’Connor perched on the web cam for several hours today.  That’s the first time I’ve seen her spend that much time up there since we discovered she was our new resident female.

No sight or sounds of the kids today when I was out so perhaps that was why she felt she could just hang out and relax without interruption!

!!! ICICI Don Mills - (Eglinton & DVP) nest site - July 25th - 2012 - The Rowdy Boys Wednesday Morning!

July 25, 2012 - International, National and Local News

CPF Postmaster Reports:

July 25th - 2012
The Rowdy Boys Wednesday Morning!
Got your text asking about the boys. Sorry I didn’t e-mail or text you yesterday-just too tired. Anyway, I saw both the boys as I drove down the street just past the Forrester Building. The were again both on the roof of the Southwest side of the ICICI building. I just had time to park and the fun began immediately.

First one started to fly over to the DeBeers building but then Mom was spotted approaching ICICI coming right at him so his brother took off after him too, both flying to meet Mom with much squawking. I saw that Mom had a small food parcel and she flew right PAST THEM!

The boys were really upset and the squawking go much louder as they quickly turned around and started chasing Mom. I laughed and laughed by myself in the parking lot (wonder if anyone watching thought I was nuts!) The look on their faces when Mom went by was just precious and their vocalizations told it all! Well the big chase was on-Mom with two of them screaming and chasing twice around the ICICI building. On the third time around one of the boys tired out and landed one the next ledge west of the nest ledge. The other continued the chase but by the time he came around again, he had lost Mom. He landed on the DeBeers ledge (the same as the nest ledge) directly opposite his brother. This was Ben.

Ben flew over to Len and obviously was upset with him as he tried to land right on top of him and they screamed at each other with Ben then flying back to his perch on DeBeers. I then saw Mom in the distance flying away and watched her land all the way at the Forrester Building on the roof. I must have missed something walking back to my truck as the sun was very hot. Ben was still on DeBeers but Len was gone. I drove to the back of the lot to look at the nest ledge and saw fluff flying up out the the nest. I’m pretty sure Mom somehow got the food to Len and he was down in the nest cleaning and eating his breakfast. Mom was probably on the hunt for more breakfast for herself and Ben.

At this point I was so hot as there was no breeze at all so it was time to go home. I hope this makes sense as I’m fighting to stay awake. Lousy sleep yesterday-only 3 hours. I will try to stop by again tomorrow morning.
Take care,

PS: Saw the boys and an adult from the DVP on the way home this morning!

!!! ICICI Don Mills nest site - (Eglinton & DVP) - July 23rd - 2012 - The Boys this morning.

July 23, 2012 - International, National and Local News

CPF Postmaster Reports:

July 23rd - 2012
The Boys this morning
Well I dropped by the site this morning for about a half and hour and saw both boys flying about together. Also saw an adult and was sure it was Dad at first but then I saw an aerial food exchange between adult and Ben and then I thought it might be Mom. I am still not sure which it was. Was very good to see feathers and fluff flying off the roof as Ben prepared his own meal! He was on the southeast roof of the ICICI building.

It was already so hot and muggy and so I left just after that. Oh, I almost forgot-Ben was able to fly with his food parcel to the DeBeers top window ledge and back to ICICI roof as he was deciding where he wanted to have his meal. Impressive that he could fly so well with the extra weight of the food and with one talon occupied with the food! Len was on the southwest side of ICICI at this point squawking for Mom to bring his something too. She was out hunting I presume as I didn’t see her (or was it Dad) after the food exchange with Ben.

I’m really not worried about Dad yet as like Kathy said, he is probably out re-establishing his territory now that the kids don’t need so much attention. He must have many places to perch and spend the night.
Have a good evening, Irma

ICICI Don Mills - Eglinton & DVP nest site - July 21st - 2012 - Saturday Night with The Boys!

- All Reports

CPF Postmaster Reports:

July 21st - 2012
Saturday Night with The Boys!
I arrived at the Eglinton/Don Mills site at 7:45 pm and immediately spotted Ben on the DeBeers roof and Len on the ICICI roof. Found Mom on the roof of DeBeers on the street-facing side with her back facing out. She was so still she looked to be snoozing! No sign of Dad then or all evening for that matter.

Maybe he needed a break from the squawking kids! Everything was quiet at this point, but not for long. Len flew over to join Ben and they starting screaming a duet at Mom across the roof which woke her up. It didn’t take her long to get outta there. She flew around the southwest corner of the ICICI building. Well Ben and Len appeared to consult each other on this turn of events and Len flew over to the ICICI southwest roof to wait for Mom to return (hopefully with FOOD!).

Ben decided the fly over too but only went as far as the closest end of the roof. He might have still been full from an earlier meal. Mom returned momentarily with a small food parcel and proceeded to beak-to-beak feed Len. Len is a very spoiled Mama’s boy! Ben squawked a bit but was not upset enough to walk across the roof ledge to join in. Mom flew off to let Len finish the food by himself. He looked rather startled by this but he did continue to eat.

Finally Ben started to turtle-walk toward Len and Len met him about a third of the way. It was like a long-lost reunion. They touched beaks and looked excited and then sat very close together. These brothers are close indeed and spend alot of time together. About a half-hour later they took off together and flew around the ICICI building,crossed over to DeBeer and around it and back to the ICICI building. Then they flew a similar pattern again, close together all the time. It was beautiful to watch as their landings were near perfect.

They ended up on the DeBeers roof. A little while later, Len flew back to the ICICI roof and Ben hopped down to the top of the maple leaf symbol.

When I looked back at him a few minutes later, he had lain down was hanging his right wing over the edge. The sign lights had now come on and silhouetted his wing beautifully! As it was now almost dark, I decided to leave. Pulling out of the parking lot I looked back for one last look and Len was gone! I just couldn’t leave without knowing where he was so I drove a little way up the street and turned around so I could see farther back on the roof. Just then I heard loud screaming. I could not tell where it was coming from, so I parked and got out and listened. Just then Len came around the corner screaming away and landed on the first “I” of the ICICI sign on the west side. He then glided over to the “n” of Bank and quieted down. Just to make sure I had the right identification, I went back to check on Ben and whew, he was fast asleep where I last saw him. Mom and Dad were nowhere to be seen and it was now 9:40 pm and full dark.

Time for peregrines and person to call it a night!