
Site Check on Peter and His Three at Hearn

July 29, 2012 - Toronto - Hearn Power Station

Bruce Massey Reports:

Yesterday, my last and final stop on the tour was at the Hearn Generating Station to check up on Peter and his three strong fliers.  When I arrived, there was an adult bird on the plant to the east on one of the towers that I initially thought might be Peter, the resident male.  A sweep of the nest area revealed Peter sleeping in the iron gridwork of the structure which meant that the bird to the east was the unidentified adult female that has been seen at the site recently attempting to court Peter and claim the territory that is now void of a female.  There was no sign of the youngsters, Dark One, Dolly or Tiny, but in such a prey rich environment down on the lakeshore, I am sure they were off exploring and trying out new skills.  Peter has done a fantastic job in caring for and defending his family and for a young male of 2 years of age, he has learned and gained invaluable life skills that will make him very successful in years to come.  I will continue to observe the site and try to identify our new female in the territory!