
ICICI Don Mills - Eglinton & DVP nest site - July 21st - 2012 - Saturday Night with The Boys!

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CPF Postmaster Reports:

July 21st - 2012
Saturday Night with The Boys!
I arrived at the Eglinton/Don Mills site at 7:45 pm and immediately spotted Ben on the DeBeers roof and Len on the ICICI roof. Found Mom on the roof of DeBeers on the street-facing side with her back facing out. She was so still she looked to be snoozing! No sign of Dad then or all evening for that matter.

Maybe he needed a break from the squawking kids! Everything was quiet at this point, but not for long. Len flew over to join Ben and they starting screaming a duet at Mom across the roof which woke her up. It didn’t take her long to get outta there. She flew around the southwest corner of the ICICI building. Well Ben and Len appeared to consult each other on this turn of events and Len flew over to the ICICI southwest roof to wait for Mom to return (hopefully with FOOD!).

Ben decided the fly over too but only went as far as the closest end of the roof. He might have still been full from an earlier meal. Mom returned momentarily with a small food parcel and proceeded to beak-to-beak feed Len. Len is a very spoiled Mama’s boy! Ben squawked a bit but was not upset enough to walk across the roof ledge to join in. Mom flew off to let Len finish the food by himself. He looked rather startled by this but he did continue to eat.

Finally Ben started to turtle-walk toward Len and Len met him about a third of the way. It was like a long-lost reunion. They touched beaks and looked excited and then sat very close together. These brothers are close indeed and spend alot of time together. About a half-hour later they took off together and flew around the ICICI building,crossed over to DeBeer and around it and back to the ICICI building. Then they flew a similar pattern again, close together all the time. It was beautiful to watch as their landings were near perfect.

They ended up on the DeBeers roof. A little while later, Len flew back to the ICICI roof and Ben hopped down to the top of the maple leaf symbol.

When I looked back at him a few minutes later, he had lain down was hanging his right wing over the edge. The sign lights had now come on and silhouetted his wing beautifully! As it was now almost dark, I decided to leave. Pulling out of the parking lot I looked back for one last look and Len was gone! I just couldn’t leave without knowing where he was so I drove a little way up the street and turned around so I could see farther back on the roof. Just then I heard loud screaming. I could not tell where it was coming from, so I parked and got out and listened. Just then Len came around the corner screaming away and landed on the first “I” of the ICICI sign on the west side. He then glided over to the “n” of Bank and quieted down. Just to make sure I had the right identification, I went back to check on Ben and whew, he was fast asleep where I last saw him. Mom and Dad were nowhere to be seen and it was now 9:40 pm and full dark.

Time for peregrines and person to call it a night!