
No Adults at King Street

January 22, 2012 - Toronto - King Street

Tracy Simpson Reports:

Frank and I stopped in at the 18 King Street East nest site today to look for the resident adults and see if they had settled in a little better.  Both adults were away from the site during the hour or so that we attended.  As we were leaving, we did see a Red Tailed hawk circling lazily over the St. Lawrence market and by the time we had lost sight of him, the hawk had yet to be addressed by the King St. adults.  They were probably off hunting pigeons as we did catch a visual of a swirling mass of them in long flight to the east.  Maybe next weekend we’ll catch them at home!!

Hurricane Home Alone at the William Osler Hospital

January 21, 2012 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Tracy Simpson Reports:

Our last and final stop in today was at the William Osler Hospital for some time with Hurricane and O’Connor.  We couldn’t find the female but as we came around to the south side of the hospital, Hurricane was sitting on the southern “H” sunning himself and preening away.  We stayed for a good half an hour watching him.  It was nice to see him so relaxed and enjoying the sunshine.  Like Jack at Etobicoke Sun Life earlier, the lady of the house was out and he had the place to himself. 


A perfect end to the day; a happy and handsome Hurricane!

A Chilly Jack in the Neighborhood

January 21, 2012 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

Tracy Simpson Reports:

On our way back to the CPF Raptor Centre, Frank and I stopped in at the Etobicoke Sun Life building to check in on Jack and Angel.  There was no sign of Angel and at first, we couldn’t see Jack.  After scanning the Sun Life towers, we found Jack sitting near a vent on the roof of the west tower.  He looked quite at ease sitting in the sun next to a warm exhaust waiting for his lady to return home.

King Street Pair Present but Uneasy

January 21, 2012 - Toronto - King Street

Tracy Simpson Reports:

After our adventure at Holcim, Frank and I headed down to 18 King St. East to check in on the resident pair there.  When we arrived, there were no peregrines in sight but we decided to wait out the parking meter.  When they finally arrived on the ledge, the male was making very fast fly throughs past the ledge and off to the north.  Erin would land on the retaining wall or the ledge for a brief moment and then she was off in the same direction as the male.  The male made several of these south to north fly throughs at high speeds and the female on two occasions made a recon circle of the building roof.  We couldn’t see anything that would explain the unease but we continued to watch.  At one point, both adults landed on the ledge next to one another but that was a short visit as less than 60 seconds later, they were both off again.  We will be back down again on Sunday to visit with the resident pair again.

A Visit to Holcim; Both Adults Present

January 21, 2012 - Mississauga - Holcim

Tracy Simpson Reports:

Frank and I travelled out to Holcim to visit with the resident pair there and had quite an adventure.  We spent approximately one hour before the pair appeared but when they did, the male flew up to the south corner of the eastern building to sit in the sun while the female made short work of what looked to be a gull.  She took her time filling her crop and it was a treat to watch her.  She is quite a large female and has a very impressive girth.

As we were leaving, we headed up the road to the stop sign and caught sight of a whirling flock of about 700 or more starlings.  Frank encouraged me to stop and get a picture of the massive flock that represents such a target rich environment for the peregrines.  I backed up from the stop sign 10 feet, got out, got the camera, took a picture and then was ready to go.  I pulled up to the stop sign and to our right, a beautiful male kestrel.   I backed up from the stop sign 10 feet, got out, got the camera, took a picture and then was ready to go.  We pulled up to the stop sign to make a right turn, and out of the corner of my eye I catch movement.  At the same time, I hear an alarm call.  Across four lanes of traffic in front of me flies a Merlin with a starling in its talons.  So…   I backed up from the stop sign 10 feet, got out, got the camera, took a picture and then was ready to go.   As we were ready to leave, a Red Tailed hawk flew into the tree above the Merlin, causing him to drop his prey and he flew up to the hydro wire where he stayed until the hawk left.  It was only then that he went down to retrieve the starling and take off to safety to eat.  A target rich environment indeed; three falcon species in 10 minutes in one square block!!  What a day!  And I can say without a doubt, if Frank wasn’t with me to witness it all, no one would have ever believed me!!

A Beautiful Day at the Lift Bridge

January 22, 2012 - Burlington - Lift Bridge

Sue McCreadie Reports:

Bill and I spent some time at the Lift Bridge this afternoon.  Mom and Dad were making leisurely attempts at pigeon hunting.  How magnificent to see them in flight.   Mom was hunting from the cables close to the Hamilton Tower and Dad was sitting on the face of the Hamilton Tower.  We were told that just prior to our arrival a Red-Tailed Hawk had flown into the territory and had been hustled out of there in quick order by both Cirrus and McKenzie.   Unfortunately, we missed the whole thing.  When we left around 1:30 pm, Cirrus had moved to the Hamilton Hydro Tower and McKenzie was still tucked in on the face of the Hamilton Tower.

Magnificent Flying Machine 1 Magnificent Flying Machine 2

!!! Renewed life on the ledge!

January 17, 2012 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Good evening all,

It’s been a while since I’ve had any pictures to send…Rhea Mae & Tiago have been a bit scarce from the nest ledge. But they have been coming by more regularly now. I managed to catch one frame today of some bowing and bonding!

All the best-Eileen

!!! Winter Arrives

January 16, 2012 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

Kathy Reports:

Winter finally arrived on Friday here with cold, snow and blustery winds.  I went outside and checked on our resident pair and saw Angel on her usual perch.  I thought to myself, well the wind is blowing the snow sideways so that should keep her tucked into her corner and quiet.  Wrong!   As I looked up at her she started kacking and immediately launched herself into the air..and I’m looking around thinking..what..nothing else is flying?? 

Jack, who had been at the back of the ledge and not visible immediately joined her and they both took off after this poor hawk that looked like it was just trying to see where it was going and didn’t realize whose territory he’d ventured into. 

Angel drove the poor bird right out of the territory while Jack essentially just provided backup yelling!   Today it’s cold and icy and both of them were out there echupping and flying around like it’s Spring.

Holcim the Last Stop on the Tour; Both Adults Present

January 15, 2012 - Mississauga - Holcim

Tracy Simpson Reports:

The third and final stop that Frank and I made on the west end peregrine tour was at the Holcim plant.  In the past week, we were treated to a sighting of a single adult on one of the taller buildings of the plant.  We returned today in the hopes of finding a pair and were delighted to see that both adults were there sunning themselves on the nest building.   The sun at this point was not in our favor for the best viewing but we still managed to watch the pair for 45 minutes as they preened the day away.  It looks like Holcim is on track for another successful nesting season!!!

Rogue Still Present at MEC, No Sign of Infinity… …Yet.

January 15, 2012 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Tracy Simpson Reports:

The second stop on the west end tour took Frank and I to the MEC site.  I was able to confirm that the unbanded rogue female is still on site with Eternity, the resident male, and she is looking much more relaxed than she did a week ago.   She was sitting on the MEC 3 building underneath the sign looking less edgy than before.  The male was sitting in the sun on the south face of the MEC 3 building and sporting a rather large crop.  I don’t think that there has been a visit in the last few months where he’s been empty!

While we don’t know for certain whether Infinity has migrated or was ousted by this new female, as spring draws closer we shall know who the resident adults for 2012 will be.  This will all get sorted out…  … peregrine style.