

June 19, 2024 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Cathy Kerr Reports:
Scott reports that he sees the fledglings every day but cannot ID them as they are in the air or too far away. Except one day when the boy, Kai visited the staff lounge! He got a good pic that day!
Thanks for keeping an eye out for them and keeping us informed. And for your pictures.


June 13, 2024 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Cathy Kerr Reports:
It’s that time! On Thursday afternoon, I got an email while at work. They had a fledgling down! It was in a corner, no real way out. Thanks to Mala for letting me know and staying with her. I said I was on my way. But I remembered that Lucie was going to MEC, which was out that way. And got a hold of her as she was on her way. Of course she could rescue Rio(red-girl). Into a carrier she went, then into a nice cool, quiet room for a rest.
Lucie was off to MEC. I went over after work.  Now, I waited until rush hour was mainly over, but it still took me over an hour to get there. Lucie was busy at MEC so she couldn’t join me. I checked her out, she looked good and Romeo (maintenance) took me up to release her on the roof.
I was at my car when I saw Dad fly in with food, landing on a H sign. Up popped Rio, who walked over to above dad and started screaming. Dad ignored her and ate! She was not happy, back and forth she went. Now I don’t know if she did this on purpose, but she flew /floated down and onto that sign!! Amazing. And she grabbed that food from dad and had a good feed. And there she stayed for the night. It was dark by now, so I left. I saw both parents by the nest but as it was dark, saw noone else. Lucie had seen 2 earlier.
Hope they are all doing well, no news is good news I say. We’ll try to get by to check on them.
I’ve included a few pictures but it was getting dark, so not the best but it gives you an idea.


May 20, 2024 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Cathy Kerr Reports:
And our 2nd banding May 20th was at Etobicoke General /William Osler.  What a great banding! Scott and his family met us and took us up to the nest site. It was behind a door, which had a peep hole… Very cool. We could hear them. Thankfully they were alone and John scooped them out to Mark. And got the door closed as Mom was incoming! She screamed on the other side and her babies were just as vocal… Just how we like them.. Fiesty! John got his first taste of what we do while he is sitting out on the nest ledge… And he liked it lol. All 4 were banded(we do this site on the young side as, when even a few days older they are off the nest tray and can get away and down the ledge where we cannot get them). 3 girls and a tiny boy. Adorable. Then it was quickly and safely back into the nest tray before Mom could get us!
Names are coming…
Female, 685g, 38/AB, red tape
Female, 660g, 39/AB, green on yellow tape
Female, 640g, 40/AB, white tape
Male, 440g, C/53 blue (I told you, tiny but mighty.. VERY vocal and Fiesty)
Thanks to Scott for all the work he puts in for this family!
Safe fledge little ones!

Four Hatches for Etobicoke General!

May 03, 2024 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Cathy Kerr Reports:

Scott reports 4 of the eggs have hatched!!  Adorable!

5 EGGS!!

April 03, 2024 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Cathy Kerr Reports:
We have 5, yes FIVE eggs as of March 29th!!
Thank you so much Scott for this amazing update, picture

Once again I have some sad news

June 30, 2023 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Marion Nash Reports:

Alexander band number C over 43 from the William Osler Etobicoke General Hospital has hit a window on his fledgling flight today and passed away. Lucie picked him up so that he can be sent to Environment and Climate change Canada for use in their environmental toxin study. This site has had very few moralities of fledglings over the years and so far the other 3 fledglings are doing fine. Thanks to the hospital staff that found him and put him in a secure place, and to Scott Payne from the hospital who called us and gave us access to pick him up.

June 24th Bruce reports

June 24, 2023 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Bruce Massey Reports:

Confirmed male and female Juvenile at Hearn Generating Plant. Their flying high and at almost top level of plant.
Checked on William Osler Hospital Etobicoke all 4 chicks accounted for and doing fine.

Update from Scott Etobicoke General Hospital Nest

June 23, 2023 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Marion Nash Reports:

Our nest is mostly empty these days but I have attached some recent activity.

Banding day at William Osler Hospital

May 25, 2023 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Marion Nash Reports:

Banding day for 4 chicks is set for June 2nd stay tuned for banding information and photos

First Hatch Today May 12th.

May 12, 2023 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Marion Nash Reports:

Thanks to Scott from the hospital who caught the first hatch on video. Banding date coming up soon. Full video posted on or Facebook page.