
!!! Winter Arrives

January 16, 2012 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

Kathy Reports:

Winter finally arrived on Friday here with cold, snow and blustery winds.  I went outside and checked on our resident pair and saw Angel on her usual perch.  I thought to myself, well the wind is blowing the snow sideways so that should keep her tucked into her corner and quiet.  Wrong!   As I looked up at her she started kacking and immediately launched herself into the air..and I’m looking around thinking..what..nothing else is flying?? 

Jack, who had been at the back of the ledge and not visible immediately joined her and they both took off after this poor hawk that looked like it was just trying to see where it was going and didn’t realize whose territory he’d ventured into. 

Angel drove the poor bird right out of the territory while Jack essentially just provided backup yelling!   Today it’s cold and icy and both of them were out there echupping and flying around like it’s Spring.