

July 03, 2023 - Toronto - Don Mills

Cathy Kerr Reports:
FLEDGE WATCH DON MILLS DAY 7: Well it was quite a day!(Sorry, this is going to be a long post lol) I arrived to find Lorelei had flown next door, 2nd level from bottom. Well at least she was off the other building. Valkyrie was in the same place but not for long. He took off, pretty good flight, to top balcony on the copper building on the outside of the glass. Lorelei then decided she wasn’t able to ledge hop here so back she went… Back to yesterday’s spot… Lowest level. Ugh. I settled to watch her as she was the most vulnerable and there was only me. A photographer named Jean went over to see Valkyrie. I saw him fly off but didn’t see him land. Lorelei was lying down so I decided to go check. Jean hadn’t seen him fly off but did see him land… On the street! She said the cars went around him and then he flew down the middle of the street towards Don Mills and then lost sight of him. Shoot. We walked down and I heard the birds… I was explaining to Jean how when you heard the birds alarm calling, look for him and she said there he is. In a tree just into the forest. Top of an evergreen. Oh Valkyrie, what a pickle you got yourself in… Boys! As Lorelei was at most risk, I had to leave him. Jean remained taking pictures. Bob arrived as I got back and he headed to Valkyrie. It wasn’t long and he was back… Valkyrie had gotten himself out, gained height, over the road and back, behind where he started and landed on the top of the garage back there! Good job.
Now, back to Lorelei. I stepped away but Bob was there and called out, she was down. She just slipped and floated clumsily right down on the walkway around the building. Bob went on one side of her, me the other. She ran right towards me! Finally started to the wall, we were both on her, Bob had the net on her but she slipped out! I said no way, and just grabbed her. Whew. Into the crate, a nice rest and up to the roof for her release! Teamwork . Ted and Rob had joined us(their pictures will be posted tomorrow!). Bob had to go, and Mark joined us. Soon it was just Mark and I sitting there when a shadow went over us.. We looked up and saw a peregrine on the 2nd from the top ledge. Lorelei!! Way to go girl. In the mean time, Valkyrie was flying all over the place. Sat for days, then off he sure went! Mom and Dad finally rewarded him with a huge lunch. Naptime. Lorelei never moved. Valkyrie did some more flights, then Mom brought the late meal Dad had caught (nice big pigeon) to our hungry Lorelei! Valkyrie flew in shortly after (nice job) and Quest beak fed them until they were stuffed. She left with the remainder and the kids were together again and there we left them, sleeping together . What a great way to end the day. We’ll do one more day to see some flights from Lorelei and make sure she stays high. Valkyrie is good.. Time to learn from Dad!
Good day!