
And so the watch ends…way to go Valkyrie & Lady Lorelei!!

July 04, 2023 - Toronto - Don Mills

Cathy Kerr Reports:

FLEDGE WATCH DON MILLS DAY 8:  And that’s a wrap!!!

Day started out as last night ended. Kids together, same spot. Mom came in but no food. She pecked at some left overs.  Then left. Rob and Ted joined me, hoping to get Lorelei flying… They had to wait. Dad flew by and landed on nest building, on the top of the window,2nd level from the top. Valkyrie was getting hangry and finally flew over, knocked Dad off and landed on the window top! Wow, great move for only flying for 2 days!!  He eventually flew off , no problem. He’s doing great.  Now Lorelei… She stayed in the same spot until some time after 2pm. It was a brutally hot day. She must have had enough (I had left to cool off) and when Ted came back, he found her almost on the top of the building across the street! Way to go! Rob arrived back in time to see her fly to the building next door(and across from the nest building) and try and land next to her brother on the top floor. There is only a small ledge… She missed slipped and flew off. I arrived then. We saw Valkyrie fly off nicely. And found Lorelei on the rooftop of that same building! Nice job! She also went from 0-100 in just a few hours… Hard to believe that we just rescued her a mere 24 hours ago! She then ended up next on the very top of the building next to the nest building. Excellent. Mom came in with some food and Valkyrie came screaming over from the roof of the nest building. They both got fed and hung out together for a bit before Valkyrie flew across the street to the copper building and Lorelei followed. The watch ended with both the kids together on the roof of that building… Lovely. And so ends this year’s watch. I’ll be spot checking often and will be posting.
I would like to thank first, Bob, for joining me almost every day and helping me with both the rescues.. It really does take teamwork and after all these years, I think we have it down! Thanks to Ted and Rob, not only for their great pics but joining me and being my eyes, whether I needed a quick break, or when things were going 2 ways lol. Thanks guys! Also thanks to the security and the property management at 220 for all their continued support. So very much appreciated. And a shout out to Carolyn for being my eyes off season! And finally, to the 2 people who started all this, got me involved in this crazy but very rewarding work, Mark and Marion Nash. Not only for coming almost every day but all their knowledge and experience… They have taught me so much… And continue to do so. They are the best.
Can’t wait for next year!