
William Osler Hospital June 2nd - 2022 Observation Update:

June 02, 2022 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Mark Nash Reports:

Some good news today on several fronts! I visited Wiliam Osler Hospital today for two reasons,, the first was to finally be able to do a factory reset the live CPF nest cam so we canmove forward with getting you all with a live cam update on the nest broadcast to the CPF web site.
As many were unaware, we have had a live-streaming nest camera viewing the William Osler nest site for many years, but the live real-time streaming video image was only viewable on the colour monitor within the maintenance area at the hospital, primarily for live internal viewing to help us and the hospital manage the nest. Today, Scott and I were able to factory reset the camera that will allow us to reprogram it and get it broadcasting to the www. With the support of their ITT folks, we should be able to get the live streaming nest images out to the CPF website and viewable to the worldwide audience. While I know that we will missed seeing the complete nesting season (this season),, our expectations is that we well finally have the nest camera broadcasting live soon!
On another note, the four peregrine hatchlings have very little white down fluff visible now and we can expect that they should be fledging sometime this weekend. While there was two males and two females, they all look ready to go very soon! All four hatchling (now completely all brown with their juvenile feathering) were way down on the furthest south east corner of the nest ledge (furthest from the nest tray).
This was the only way we could have dealt with the camera, as we needed the hatchlings all mobile and out of the nest tray before we dared to open the hatch directely behind the nest tray were the camera is installed.
All in all, a sucessful endeviour,, with a successful factory reset of the colour camera, Scott was able to access the real-time colour live streaming nest image on his internal computer down at his office. No longer will they have to go up floors to the mechancial area to see when there are eggs, incubation and hatches. Hopefully soon, we’ll all be ableto see the live nest images fromyour home computers via the www!!