
!!! 2 hatches !!!

May 10, 2022 - Kitchener - CTV-Bell Media Tower

Lisa Reh Reports:

2 white fluff balls hatched on May 9 & 10! On May 14, there were still 2 unhatched eggs in the nest. More reports on CTV news.

On May 21, Kellie reported: “This morning at approx. 9:30 a.m., Papa came in with a food package, Mama Mystery came and grabbed it from him, and she fed the chicks. As an aside: One is quite “grabby” already - practicing “kill” mode. The chicks were mostly on their own this morning, as they seemed hot (we had warm overnight temps). Papa did come back after the feeding was over to give the chicks a little look, presumably.

Later, during the peak of the storm that hit around 12:00 p.m., I checked in on the cam and Mama was brooding the young. She stayed with them for a while until the weather had settled down.”

David reported at 4:53 on May 23: “Dinner just arrived a couple of minutes ago, kids being fed! I think the prey might have been a pigeon or dove, or possibly a bit smaller. I got a half-decent view, but only for a split second. The parent left just after 5:00 p.m. For a bit the parent seemed to be preferring one of the chicks. At first I thought it was the smaller one, but watching now I think it was the larger one. The other still managed to get in there though.”

At 8:20 p.m. on May 24 Karen reported one of the adults was feeding the babies. “Both seemed to be eating at the time. The adult left shortly after but I watched for a few more moments and you could certainly see that both crops on the young were full.”

Photos courtesy of Karen von Knobloch