
Scarborough Nest Site Update: Great News to report from the old Yellow Pages nest site… We have a hatch!!

June 09, 2022 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Mark Nash Reports:

Scarborough Nest Site Update:
June 9th - 2022

Great News to report from the old Yellow Pages nest site… We have a hatch!!

Just as we were running out the door to the Duncan Mill and the Bloor and Islington fledge watch, we got a call early this morning from the security folks at the Scarborough nest site (formally called the Yellow Pages Nest site) to investigate and give them an updated status on their resident peregrines. (We had earlier written off the nest site believing that the nest had failed again as the eggs had been long overdue to hatch).

Security called as a result of a contractor working on the upper elevations of the building in the early morning was very aggressively and relentlessly attacked by the resident peregrine pair.

Knowing only too well how aggressive “Linn” (the long standing resident female peregrine, who was produced at the Kodak Tower in Rochester New York) has been over the years, especially when there have been hatchlings in the nest, we immediately diverted and headed up to the site to further investigate.

Assisted by security we were quickly escorted to the upper roof doorway and entered the roof area with brooms in hand. We were immediately met by “Linn” and her unidentified male mate with a constant barrage of stops and dives!! In typical Linn fashion, without her making a single sound I was reminded of just how aggressive she can be!! A VERY AGGRESSIVE FULL CONTACT gal!! Thank goodness for hard hats!!

Much to my delight, after a failed nest site last season, I observed a single hatchling, just shy of a week old, and one egg! Two weeks ago, there were still four eggs in the nest. One very pale white egg and three typical reddish modeled brown colored eggs.

So the good news, Linn is still producing and back to her old self and in fine form indeed!! It is worth noting, that her mate was also VERY aggressive and also made several full-contact hits,, (which is typically not the norm with most of adult males).

I stayed just long enough to get a few quick photos (as we literally ran for cover) with my cell phone.