
Banding day photos

June 12, 2017 - Mississauga - Holcim

Marion Nash Reports:

A few photos from banding day 2017

June 09, 2017 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Tracy Simpson Reports:

June 9th 2017
am happy to report that the MEC fledge watch is now over. We are scaling the watch back to site checks only has Mary is doing very well and staying high. Bruce was on site today to check in on her and she was on building two napping the day away in the mid afternoon heat. We have left a single rescue carrier on site and will continue to stop in periodically and have volunteers check up on her and her progress. I would especially like to thank Bruce, Margaret, Lucie, Mark and Winston for their vigilance on behalf of the Mississauga Executive Centre peregrine falcons this season. I would also like to thank Colliers building management for being incredible hosts and Garda Security for all their endless support. An excellent job done by all.

June 11, 2017 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Tracy Simpson Reports:

The watch for the MEC site is nearing an end now. I have much to post and will follow up this evening with details but for now the short notes are this.

On Sunday Mary flew out of the tree and bounced off of building 3 which turned her back to the MEC 1 nursery. Angelina stayed up on MEC 3 for the time being. Mary flew again from the nursery and faceplanted into MEC 4 before flying out of view.

On Monday, Mary was found by Lucie up at the BDC building a half a kilometre to the north. Angelina had made a few flights one of which was back to the nest box. Mary then made an epic flight home to MEC 3 and made it. Angelina flew back to MEC 3 and Mary made one more flight to MEC 1 nest box.

Tuesday morning at dawn, tragedy struck when Angelina and Mary both took flight. Mary ended up in a tree near MEC 4 and Angelina struck the back of MEC 1. Angelina’s strike was fatal. Mary made another epic flight around the complex and came down out of energy back near the BDC where Lucie rescued her. She was released last night and flew in the dark over to MEC 1 safely.

I will post detailed accounts of these days this evening as the notes are always important when we look back to reference a season. Mary looks well on her way… …again. Angelina, sweet girl, RIP. Glad we were there for you as much as we could have been.

More to come.

The remainder of the MEC watch today had so many twist and turns but most importantly a good scare for all.

June 04, 2017 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Marion Nash Reports:

June 4th 2017

The morning started out with the two girls on MEC 3. Angelina was now halfway around the building from where I released her the night before and Mary was on MEC 4. She flew over and the two girls had a great reunion. Mary made another couple of flights and then Renegade flew in with breakfast. It went straight to Angelina who tore it off of him and ate the whole thing. 20 minutes later Midnight arrived with more food that she beak fed… …to Angelina! The whole time Mary was wailing away but received nothing for her efforts. The two then relaxed and snuggled for a while and then a third package of food came in that went to Mary. Satisfied, the girls then jumped down onto the catwalk around the roof of MEC 3 and slept together for 30 minutes. Seeing as Mary didn’t get much, she was up and screaming pretty quickly. She did several more flights throughout the day and finally took the long flight home. She made it to the nest ledge and back to the box! While all this flying stuff was going on, Angelina slept the day away, much needed after her battle with that nasty tree yesterday. Mary stayed at the nest box for a bit and then took off after an adult. She circled back to the nest building to head home but the sun was right in her eyes. She hit the building, really hard. She dropped straight down for the length of one window and then shot out her wings. She glided down towards the ravine and that was the last Bruce saw of her. He walked and searched everywhere, again and again, to no avail. Mark and Winston arrived at the site to help and Bruce headed home as he will be the opening shift tomorrow. Mark and Winston also walked and searched the buildings and the ravine but still no Mary. It was beginning to get dark when they decided to take one last look along the valley and who should they find but Mary up in a tree looking deflated but perfectly healthy. The relief for us all was immense. Angelina thankfully stayed on top of MEC 3 for the day and didn’t distract us from our mission of finding Mary.
Thank you so much to Bruce for helping share the watch with me today and a very special thanks to Mark and Winston for sticking with the search and finding young Mary safe and sound. Ok Mary, no more scares!!!!!

Banding Day

June 11, 2017 - Stoney Creek

Marion Nash Reports:

June 9th 2017

4 chicks banded with success today thanks to quarry staff, John Miller our climber, Anne Yagi our master bander and CPF volunteer Lucy who took photos . It was tricky running between thunder storms from one nest site banding to another but we dodged the storms once again and the chicks all got banded without any problem.

Here is the information of the 2017 chicks in order banded for the quarry

male 675 grams band number Y 56 named Pud with Red tape on silver band
female 950 grams band S 45 named Fatina with white tape on Silver band
male 645 grams band number Y 57 named Johnston with blue tape on silver band
male 640 grams band number Y 58 named JJ with green tape on silver band.

Al 4 chicks were in good health and 25 to 30 days old at banding. We expect the first flights in about a week. Good luck to all 4 hope they all fly well and stay aloft.

Photos to come.

Banding a sucess at CRH Canada

June 09, 2017 - Mississauga - Holcim

Marion Nash Reports:

June 9th 2017

Once again the wonderful foster family at CRH Canada has 4 healthy peregrine chicks added to the family and we are so very thankful for their support and assistance in the 2017 banding of the chicks. and as always for the brave efforts of our climber John Miller who climbed down the silo to extract the chicks.

Here is the information on this years offspring.

Female named Annie band number Z 15 red tape
Male named John band number X 77 Blue tape
Female named Jessica band number Z 17Yellow tape
Female named Clarissa band number Z 20 Green tape

Photos to come soon.

OPG Pickering banding day

June 09, 2017 - International, National and Local News

Marion Nash Reports:

Thanks to all the staff at Pickering Nuclear Generating Station we had another successful banding of 4 healthy peregrine nestlings. It was wonderful to see so many staff June 9th 2017

out to be part of, watch and assist us in the banding. Not only for their help in accessing the nest with a lift truck and operator but to navigate us through all the security and safety requirements to get this work done. Thank s to everyone involved!!!

Here is the information and photos of the newest addition to the OPG PNG peregrine family.

female 940 grams at banding named Eva banded Z over 15 with Red Tape on the silver band
Male 655 grams at banding named Grey banded Y over 48 with Blue tape on the silver band
Male 670 grams at banding named Becquerel banded X over 75 with green tape on silver band
Male 715 grams at banding named Fission banded X over 76 with White tape on silver band

As the chicks are 19 to 23 days old now we expect the first to fledge in about 12 to 14 days good luck to them all!

Banding Day At Burlington Lift Bridge

June 06, 2017 - Burlington - Lift Bridge

Marion Nash Reports:

June 6th 2017

2 chicks banded today 1 girl and 1 Boy.

the first chick to be banded was a female weighing in at 950 grams her band number is S over 47 with Red tape on the silver band she was named Anne after the bander Anne Yagi.
the second chick a male was 700 grams and his band number is Y over 55 with Blue tape on the silver band. His name is Bronte after Bronte Park.

Thanks for the assistance from bridge staff in helping us extract the chicks and for all the updates and photos prior to banding.

Banding Day has a star wars theam

June 02, 2017 - Toronto - Don Mills and Eglinton - Amexon

Marion Nash Reports:

June 2nd 2017

It’s a boy & girl for Jenna & Chester!!

Another fun banding day at Don Mills/Amexon! Our wonderful rockclimber John did another stellar job at getting our babies safely out of the nest and keeping Jenna & Chester at bay while their kids were off nest! Marion, Mark & Mark Heaton got our little ones properly weighed and banded. We have a boy & girl-named Luke & Leia! They are beautiful and very healthy. Fledge watch starts around the 16th of June!! May the force be with these two :)

Boy-named Luke, blue tape, banded Y44, 625 grams
Girl-named Leia, red tape, banded Z12, 830 grams

Pictures to come

CRH Mom an Chicks

May 27, 2017 - Mississauga - Holcim

Marion Nash Reports:

Photo of the 2017 family