

March 28, 2024 - Toronto - Don Mills and Eglinton - Amexon

Cathy Kerr Reports:
DON MILLS/AMEXON :  Congrats to Holden and Nagata! It’s 3 eggs, so far!  We’ll find out at hatch time if more, as we won’t be going up to check again until then so as not to upset them. These pictures are from 2 visits, one Sally came with me and today’s when Rob came up. He’ll be sending me his pictures later to share.
These are from Sally and I.
Can’t wait for hatches next month

A check on Holden & Nagata

March 12, 2024 - Toronto - Don Mills and Eglinton - Amexon

Cathy Kerr Reports:
On Tuesday Sally and I also went up to the roof at Amexon to check for eggs… None but a good nest bowl was seen so hopefully soon.
A few pics from Sally and I.
Thanks for conquering your fear of heights and coming up with me Sally!

Sam is still in town!

March 05, 2024 - Toronto - Don Mills and Eglinton - Amexon

Cathy Kerr Reports:
It’s Sam! 2022 hatch from Don Mills/Amexon has been spotted still in town! He was seen last September at Tommy Thompson Park, and now was photographed by David Cooper Feb 26th at Bluffers Park, then again March 5th at Ashbridges Bay!! Great shots of our most handsome boy.
Thanks to Mike McInnis for spotting these pics and reporting it to us.

Paige is enjoying Tommy Thompson Park!!

September 11, 2023 - Toronto - Don Mills and Eglinton - Amexon

Cathy Kerr Reports:
And more good news! Our Paige from Don Mills/Amexon was seen again today at Tommy Thompson Park (Mike confirmed it was her on Sept 3rd)…she sure likes it there! Thanks to Dana for letting us know and thanks to Norman Franke for the fantastic pictures!
She’s a beauty that’s for sure

Juvie having some fun!!

September 03, 2023 - Toronto - Don Mills and Eglinton - Amexon

Cathy Kerr Reports:
Ok. Time for some good news! Mike McInnis was at Tommy Thompson Park Sept 3rd and took these fantastic pictures. The banded juvie is definitely one of ours but he only got the white tape, no good shot of the numbers. So it’s either Paige from Don Mills/Amexon, Pip from William Osler or Gibson from Hamilton. Now, I’m biased lol. But it sure looks like Paige. It’s in her area, plus she was positively ID’d a month ago in Tommy Thompson Park! But, since we cannot positively ID her here, it’s one of the 3. Which is fantastic. And what great shots of her! Chasing those ducks!! I think she was having a little fun lol. He also saw an unbanded juvie down there too, so it’s a very popular spot for the young to hang out.
Thanks again to Mike!

Paige is seen down at Tommy Thompson Park!!

August 09, 2023 - Toronto - Don Mills and Eglinton - Amexon

Cathy Kerr Reports:
DON MILLS/AMEXON :  Finally doing an overdue update! I’ve been seeing less and less of the kids.  But I am still seeing them… Just one at time lol. Though I did get to see 2 of them playing but at quite a distance about a week ago. Always good to see them.
We have some wonderful shots of Paige, August 3rd, when she was visiting Tommy Thompson park! Thanks to Dana’s good eye and letting me know about the post on ebird. Pictures are by Margaret Hough.
Then on August 9th, I saw her with her parent back home! Their name does fit them - they do love to wander.


July 12, 2023 - Toronto - Don Mills and Eglinton - Amexon

Cathy Kerr Reports:

DON MILLS/AMEXON SPOT CHECK :  Well, it took a week… After the Don Mills fledge watch was over, I  was back to work so I could check almost every day for the three of them, on and off of course. At first I saw no one. Not one. But then one morning I found one on the roof.. And I didn’t have to wait long until Gordon showed me his bands! Looking good . The next time I saw one, it was Gordon again but with a parent. Ok. Then that night Sally and I saw 3 flying in the distance but were too far to make out kids or a parent with 2. But looked great!  The next morning I found one on roof again.. Took a bit but she finally showed her bands-Paige!!  And then Wed, I went over after work to go up to the roof and retrieve my crate .. I pulled in and saw one on the sign. Showing off her band… Lightfoot!!! Yayyy, all three! So all are still around and looking great. Maybe one these days I’ll be lucky enough to see all three together.


June 20, 2023 - Toronto - Don Mills and Eglinton - Amexon

Cathy Kerr Reports:

SPOT CHECK DON MILLS/AMEXON :  All three are looking good! Yesterday I only saw 2 and from the back lol. This morning before work, I saw Paige chowing down on her breakfast and only heard another. After work, I caught a food exchange with a 2nd juvie in pursuit. They landed on a ledge 4 floors down on the nest building. Gordon had the prize! The other watched for  bit then slowly moved in, and took a large portion from him. I knew right away it had to be Lightfoot as he usually fought with Paige over food and besides, she had a huge breakfast! She finally showed me her band and it was indeed Lightfoot. Lovely to see all of them.

Lightfoot loses height….

June 16, 2023 - Toronto - Don Mills and Eglinton - Amexon

Cathy Kerr Reports:


And we’re still watching… Arrived this morning to find Lightfoot low on the back of the building.  She lost a lot of height… Never good. But I settled in to wait.  If she flew around to the left… Trees ugh. Right would be better but the wind is bad… I watched her turtle walk back and forth, preen, sleep. Bob joined me in the late morning. We watched. Sally came late afternoon, just in time to see her fly off to the left. I saw her round the building. We headed around and thanks to some angry robins found her right away on a ledge… She lost more height and was another ledge down. Darn. It was now quite windy and she had lost more of her confidence.  But she could see her parents and siblings as they all did great flights, play and her parents trying to teach her. No go. We left her low. Not the way Sally and I wanted to end our watch-we both have commitments this weekend. But we are leaving her in the best hands.. Mark and Marion! Couldn’t ask for better! And Bob said he would also drop by when he could. So we will wait for the news… She’ll either come down into very capable hands or she will fly. Sally and I are already planning our spot checks!


June 14, 2023 - Toronto - Don Mills and Eglinton - Amexon

Cathy Kerr Reports:
I arrived to see a juvie flyoff the nest building and go west. Parent was off like a shot behind them. Lost sight of them, as I had just pulled up and didn’t have my bins out yet! I figured Gordon but who knows. Ted joined me for a bit. Parent returned alone or so I thought. Saw Lightfoot on the nest ledge. Up popped one on the roof of the nest building… Paige? No Gordon! Had he come from behind the building? Oh well, he’s good. Saw him do a few lovely flights. Then the parents were up alarm calling! In a frenzy… Two fledglings and one about to, total protective mode. Unfortunately the building had to go out into the “pit” on the roof (its like at least 10 feet down, too bad peregrines have such good sight!) but only very shortly. But after the last couple of days, they were on high alert. But, this lead to me finding Paige. No she did not pop up but the parents, once the guys had exited, were still circling and alarm calling.. And they went over to the other building and circled there briefly on one side. Paige? I walked over and found her on the sign there! Wow. Now that’s quite a feat, so I was impressed. They all stayed put for a bit. Then there she came flew from the sign trying to make roof of nest bldg and missed, touched off the concrete, recovered, out and back onto the rooftop! Way to go Paige!! Rooftop pair got fed for their efforts and even Lightfoot got a bit. Maybe to keep her down as it started to pour… Again. We even got a funnel cloud advisory! Really? What next on this watch?? Smoke, torrential rains, and funnel cloud advisory? Geez.  As I was watching Lightfoot, all of a sudden Gordon popped up…he was back on the nest ledge with his sister and stayed there until the evening. Sally joined me in the afternoon.
This is her report for the rest of the day :
Bob joined us in the evening after an uneventful afternoon, with food brought in (and Paige eventually getting a large package) we started to pack up, joking that this would probably get the kids going. We jinxed ourselves. Wings flapped. The parents flew in circles for a bit as if to say OK time to settle. Paige and Gordon decided to fly off the ledge and slightly out and back, overlapping. Then Gordon repeated last night’s pre-bedtime flight. Over to Intel and back. He attempted to set off again but Mom was having none of it. We watched the peregrine version of a parent chastising their kid and pushing them ahead back home. He briefly pushed back and she literally kicked his butt. It was very entertaining.
Paige decided to try a flight over as well, but overshot the Intel building and soon came back over to ICICI. Mom didn’t go after her and Dad didn’t budge from his spot. She missed the roof landing but recovered really well, turning nicely and landing a little clumsily. After Mom flew out and back to a favourite ledge, Gordon snuck back across to Intel and landed for the night on a top ledge. And this time Mom watched him without budging. Surely they’d settle now, after 9pm? Nope. Paige flew again as well and dad briefly went after to check on her. She appeared OK on the top of Intel building. Talk about pre-bedtime zoomies. We closed the watch with Lightfoot unfledged, Gordon and Paige on Intel. These fledglings seem to be active mornings and evenings, just before close.
I sure hope Lightfoot goes well tomorrow… I’m a bit tired from the long days lol