
Cold, windy…and the boys loved it!

June 08, 2016 - Toronto - Don Mills

Cathy Kerr Reports:
I froze. Irma froze. Bob froze. But the boys loved the wind!  Geddy spent the night on the 2nd floor ledge of the Harlequin building and was there for a few hours in the morning.  He made a nice flight to the top of the school bldg, then went back to the nest bldg and joined his brothers!!  All three are flying well,  tho Achilles is by far the best!  The wind is serving them well and Quest and Mac have been on hand to help them out. Now Marta on the other hand,  got blown down one ledge and has spent the rest of the day there!   Around 2pm mom brought food for her but first gave her a lesson in how to prepare it! Lovely e-chup chuping as Quest taught her daughter and the feathers were flying!! Not sure if she got much as mom then took it with her!  Now there’s a lesson lol.
The boys then got fed, and all was quiet as they snoozed.  Jet and a brother hung out on the nest roof top, flying occasionally.  Jet spent most of his day on the nest roof top, always flying home!  The other two were off flying about much more-really enjoying their freedom.  At night fall, Jet and his brother(we tried hard but he wouldn’t show us his leg for id) were on the home roof, the other brother chose another rooftop nearby and “little” Marta settled in on her ledge!  More fun flying to watch tomorrow–let’s just hope for some warmer weather…and a little less wind

Marta Jet & bro Jet