
Great flight by Kojis and Lyn posts a Turkey Vulture NO-FLY ZONE!

June 29, 2016 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Marion Nash Reports:

Once again the girls spent the day on the ledge no attempt to fly. Kojis on the other hand made a flight around the building twice, one out some distance over the parking lot and back and then a final flight as far as the condos at Bellamy and the 401 with dad following him all the way. Dad cane back in about 10 minutes seaming unconcerned. Kojis was gone for about 25 minutes and flew back home on his own landing on the top of the building just under the fingers.

It seems that the Turkey Vultures are not getting the message as once again Lyn went after a Turley Vulture who came too close. I guess with Kojis flying farther away from the nest that TV no fly zone has grown photos below.

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