
Harper gets even

June 19, 2015 - Toronto - Don Mills

Ann Brokelman Reports:

I arrived tonight to see the two that are joined at the beak Kline and Berkley on the tip of the building. I see a falcon fly in and it is Harper. He joins the pair but eventually moves off to be by himself.

Quest was on harlequin building just watching. I never did see skye.

Suddenly Harper took off and flew over the nest building. Oh man is he a great flyer. Wings tucked in and fast. He would then soar around the nest ledge and then turn back to the building where Kline and Berkley were. I laughed out loud as I saw him swoop in between the two of them and take off. Berkley was totally ticked as he set off after Harper with Kline right behind.

What is better than watching peregines have fun.

Photos attached. Enjoy.
