
Site Check Yesterday at William Osler. Casper is back.

January 15, 2014 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Tracy Simpson Reports:

So here we go again.  I had to make a trip out to Mississauga yesterday and stopped in at the William Osler nest site hoping to see Chessie and Hurricane at the house.  I found the adults in the hydro tower, Chessie top and centre ( I could confirm it is her by her band ) and the male up front.  Except that the male is definitely not Hurricane.  Seems that since Claire took off on hiatus for the winter from the Viscount territory, Casper came trotting over to William Osler again this winter and is now hanging out with Chessie.  I hope that Hurricane has done the same as Claire, taken a trip somewhere only to return this spring.  Is this a trend now with these two sites?  We’ll see. While I welcome Casper, son of Milton, to the southern Ontario nesting team, I hope I get to see my little man Hurricane again this spring.