
Site Check at Holcim. Storm Holding the Fort.

January 15, 2014 - Mississauga - Holcim

Tracy Simpson Reports:

During my trip out to Mississauga yesterday, my destination took me very close to the Holcim nest site and so I decided to do a quick site check on Storm and Caspian.  When I arrived, I found Storm up on the top of the plant preening but he didn’t stay there long.  He was off like a shot into the heart of the plant chasing lunch.  He returned 10 minutes later without a visible crop so I don’t think he was celebrating a successful hunt.  Instead he decided to take a break in the sun and do some feather cleaning.  While I was there, Caspian did not make an appearance but I feel certain that she was down by the lakeshore somewhere.  Storm kept looking off towards the waterfront and occasionally would flip his head at her roosting somewhere nearby.

It was great to see Storm on site and we look forward to another successful nesting season at Holcim in 2014.