
!!! Cinnamon is back at home!

August 08, 2011 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Good afternoon

It was so good to see Cinnamon stop by this afternoon! Looks like he had a nice meal and a bit of a nap before taking off again. He looks great!

All the best-Eileen

!!! Life Returns to Quiet

August 08, 2011 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

Kathy Reports:

It’s been very quiet the past few weeks with barely any sightings of any falcons, even Angel - who has been finding new places to perch away from the sun and heat.   But today there was a nice breeze and it wasn’t as hot so she was back on the ledge for awhile once the sun moved around the corner. 

Sadly there has been no sightings of the boys for the past 3 weeks at all.  One can only hope  they are safe and are taking care of  themselves in this dreadful heat.   

Today for the first time in a long time, I observed Jack flying in with lunch for Angel.  She was in the nestbox and the normal greetings between them ensued and she accepted his food offering.   When I left she was back on her beloved perch dozing with a nice full crop.

Toronto Don Mills - Kendal on Graydon Road

August 07, 2011 - Toronto - Don Mills

Ann Brokelman Reports:

Went for a drive at 4pm tonight and popped in at the Harlequin site.  No sign or sound of any peregrines but in the distance on top of antenna I could see a large bird.  Drove over to the apartments at 20 Graydon Rd (east of Don Mills Road) to see Kendal on top of the antenna.  Under him on the roof top were dozens and dozens of pigeons.  Supper right under him.

Toronto Don Mills - Kendal brings in breakfast for Harlie and Quest stands guard

August 06, 2011 - Toronto - Don Mills

Ann Brokelman Reports:

All I can say about today was WWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW.  Carol and I arrived at 10:15 and we barely parked the car to see Quest sitting right on the top ledge of 220.  Next we heard Harlie.  She was on the top of the building to the west from Harlequin.  Around the corner on 220 was Kendal.   Kendal decides it is time for brunch - brings in I believe a huge white pigeon.  Harlie came screaming across the road and right to the ledge.  Kendal starts to prep the food then gave up as Harlie wanted his food. lol.  Quest took half the food and went around the corner for some quiet time and eat.  Left poor kendal to deal with Harlie.

Harlie spent the next hour with a full crop screaming over and over again about more food (her crop was so full I was surprised she could fly).  She bugged Quest and Kendal.  Both adults stayed on 220 but again Harlie took off to building beside Harlequin to the west.  When Carol and I left Kendal was in the nest box, Quest on the west side of 220 and Harlequin with a full crop snoozing on the next building.  One hour of good clean fun.  Harlie had many take off and landings.  All were excellent.

!!! Mariah & Linn

July 31, 2011 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Hello Mark
I want to thank you so much for taking this most excellent picture of Linn and allowing me to use it. All the Rochester Watchers who saw this picture said the same thing; “OMG! It’s Mariah!”
It took me awhile to find the picture I took of Mariah that I knew would be a most wonderful comparison picture. I plan on making a shirt with this picture on it and offering it to others.

Thank you much!
Take care and hope to see you soon.


!!! Niagara fledglings photographed! High and somewhat dry.

August 01, 2011 - Niagara Falls

CPF Postmaster Reports:

August 1st - 2011
Hi, my name is Tom Kocaj and I thought you would like to know that today Aug,1 2011 I was down at the Falls around 1:00 pm and saw 1 of the fledglings out on the roof.
I live in the city so I was checking a few times for the last week and today was the first time I saw one out. I’m off work this week so I will be checking more and hopefully get some good pics as they start to fly more.
I’ve included 2 pics, one you can clearly see a tag with X45 on it, you may use them any way you wish.
I waited around to see if it would fly, but the rain came in and I headed for cover as I already lost 1 camera this vacation due to rain. My stay cations seem to cost more than going away.
Anyways hopefully I can send more pics and updates.


August 04, 2011 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Aug 4 2011
I was out this evening doing some banking and was caught without binoculars! I heard squawking and looked up to see one peregrine about halfway up the Rio-Can east face. One of the juveniles has been a squawker this year and periodically I hear him in the early morning. Anyway I had walked north on Yonge and on my way south the *squawker* flew from the north face of the Heart and Stroke to the east face and then flew off again to disappear. When I was at home I heard more squawking and so I went outside to look for him. As I approached Duplex and Eglinton intersection I saw a peregrine flying *hell bent for leather* over 53 Division and south west and was gone, but the bird was followed by another one who was a bit slower. One of those two flew north from perhaps the Avenue road area (way west) and disappeared. I settled down for a brief few minutes and then *squawky* announced himself and settled on the ledge below the nest ledge on Canada Square. He appeared to have flown in from the south west. From there he flew to the railing around the TVO antenna level. That was a brief stop. He flew north up the east side of Heart and Stroke. By the time I arrived at Yonge street there were two birds in the air over Heart and Stroke and one flew south and up to the tall condo whilst the other landed on the north east corner of Canada Square just below the nest ledge height. Not long after that the one from the Canada Square building flew north and disappeared.


August 01, 2011 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Aug 1 2011
I was out briefly at around 7pm and found one bird on the south face of Heart and Stroke. I feel sure this was the female as he bird was large and appeared to have a buff coloured chest. Later on when I was on my way home I walked along Eglinton and found a second bird perched on one of the top window uprights also on Heart and Stroke. I am quite sure this was the adult male as his chest was very light! The female took flight and flew north up Yonge street and was gone from view.

July -29 -2011

July 29, 2011 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

CPF Postmaster Reports:

July 29 2011
I saw all three on the south east corner of Rio-Can and one was cleaning his beak so I assumed he had just finished eating something. There was a fair bit of activity from the peregrines, with most of it centred above the Rio-Can building with some short sorties over 411 Duplex. The activity included beautiful exhibitions of kiting from all three, along with diving, swooping and talon touching. They are all quite proficient at the above activities now. Later on there was a *high speed* talon touch exercise which had me on the edge of the wall on which I sat!! But it was all perfectly executed by ALL THREE juvies. One of the juvies flew really fast to the top of the taller condo tower, forgot to apply the brakes and overshot his mark but recovered nicely and ended up *kiting* sort of over that building. I say sort of because there was a bit of a breeze and he floated backwards !
There was more flying around much the same as a week earlier with landings on different vantage points and the continued kiting and talon touching. One of the juvies flew east and disappeared way east of the Bell building. Later on mom flew in from behind the tall condo building, kited over it for a bit then flew west over the Rio-Can, building over 411 Duplex and north by then with two juvies in hot pursuit. After their disappearance I glanced south and noticed a bird on the TVO antenna but was unable to tell if it was a juvenile or the adult male. It was darkish by then so I left.

July- 22- 2011

July 22, 2011 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

CPF Postmaster Reports:

July 22 2011
I was out for just an hour. *Squawky* announced his presence by squawking and flying from the west side of Canada Square to the Heart and Stroke south face. A second juvie flew toi meet the third one and they circled over the CIBC building before one of them settled on the east side of Canada Square and the other on the Rio-Can building.
The juvie fvrom Heart and Stroke flew over Eglinton Ave and tried to catch something small, from the way it fluttered around I think it was a butterfly. He missed, turned around and tried again and missed.
There was a bit more flying around and landing on different vantage points, the antenna atop the TVO and the one on Canada Square. It begin to spit so I packed it up but not before seeing all three juvies on the -south west corner of the Rio-Can building. During the hour I was out I did not see the adults at all.