
July -29 -2011

July 29, 2011 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

CPF Postmaster Reports:

July 29 2011
I saw all three on the south east corner of Rio-Can and one was cleaning his beak so I assumed he had just finished eating something. There was a fair bit of activity from the peregrines, with most of it centred above the Rio-Can building with some short sorties over 411 Duplex. The activity included beautiful exhibitions of kiting from all three, along with diving, swooping and talon touching. They are all quite proficient at the above activities now. Later on there was a *high speed* talon touch exercise which had me on the edge of the wall on which I sat!! But it was all perfectly executed by ALL THREE juvies. One of the juvies flew really fast to the top of the taller condo tower, forgot to apply the brakes and overshot his mark but recovered nicely and ended up *kiting* sort of over that building. I say sort of because there was a bit of a breeze and he floated backwards !
There was more flying around much the same as a week earlier with landings on different vantage points and the continued kiting and talon touching. One of the juvies flew east and disappeared way east of the Bell building. Later on mom flew in from behind the tall condo building, kited over it for a bit then flew west over the Rio-Can, building over 411 Duplex and north by then with two juvies in hot pursuit. After their disappearance I glanced south and noticed a bird on the TVO antenna but was unable to tell if it was a juvenile or the adult male. It was darkish by then so I left.