
All Five in sight

June 20, 2008 - Toronto - King Street

CPF Volunteer Reports:

Thursday I stopped at King St on my way to the Sheraton and found a chick low (to me) on 33 Victoria. After awhile an adult came and sat with her for 15 minutes or so and then left. I thought that was odd - no food drop. One chick was high on Dundee Place. The lower one had found some leftover food since her head was partially visible bobbing up and down (not like pre-take off bobbing). Then she sat on the railing and stayed there. And stayed there.

Paul came down and told me Linda needed help at the Sheraton. I wouldn’t have left with that “low” chick but eventually I suddenly saw a second head pop up right there - and realized they had decided to sleep together even though it was pretty low. So off to the Sheraton I went.

I spent the rest of the day watching the 3 chicks in the Sheraton - not leaving the nest - probably partly due to the windy rainy weather.

I stopped at King St on the way back and found 2 chicks - and Toshiko again - who said she JUST saw the low chick fly to the roof she was on the other day - directly across from where she spent the day - and out of sight. Seems she may have spent the entire day there. Finally she suddenly flew east out of our sight - we ran west to get a view and found she had made it to 1 Toronto roof - which is pretty high and quite an angle to get to! We were happy to have all 5 peregines in sight. Toshiko went to work and I went home.

Reported by Zoe Berger.