
!!! Perry Makes It Home

June 19, 2008 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

CPF Volunteer Reports:

With all 3 juvenile Peregrines flying so well,I didnt rush to the site today,arriving at about 10:30am. To my delight I observed Perry on the nest ledge. This is significant,because it marks the final milestone we look for to tell us our fledgling watch is almost done. Knowing now that all 3 young can navigate back to their nest ledge,means they know where home is and have the flight skills to get there. In general this means they are out of our hands. The young Falcons are now in their “teenage” phase. Its dangerous because they belive they know everything and with the speeds they can now reach this can be fatal. A wrong move and they can hit something at speed. We certainly hope this wont happen!

By 10:38am I was able to confirm that all 3 young were present.Perry was confirmed by his red tape as being on the nest ledge.Screech and he were fed. Sunny made an excellent flight with the adults,before landing on the west Tower.

Special thanks today to Kathy for helping me watch and a very kind gentleman who we spoke with yesterday,whose name I did not get. He came up today and handed us 2 very nice pairs of protective gloves to be used during rescues. Undoubtedly this will save us some scars in the future!

I will be on site Friday for several hours,and on Saturday for a few hours midday,then this years Fledge Watch at the Sun Life Financial Centre will come to an end. The falcons will still be there to watch and some exciting things remain to be seen,as the young get more flying lessons and taught what and how to hunt. Many watchful local eyes will mind their Falcons. Please if U observe a Falcon U believe is in trouble call us immediately at 416-481-1233. Any interesting observations U have may also be emailed to us.

Reported by Frank Butson.