
Back to the CTV nest box!

March 30, 2022 - Kitchener - CTV-Bell Media Tower

Lisa Reh Reports:

At 2:30 today, Martha spotted 2 falcons back at the old CTV nest site across from Grand River Hospital!! One was on the ledge of the nest box and the 2nd arrived shortly after. They both entered the box then one left and took up a watch on the drum tower. Martha also headed to St. Mary’s Hospital but no peregrines were seen. Ralph confirmed that they were rarely seen at St. Mary’s this past week. The activity from the workers and swing stage could have encouraged them to move to the CTV site.

Later on that evening Tara reported seeing one at the King’s Towers apartment building. It flew to the tower and directly into the CTV Tower nest box! The second adult circled around the apartment tower and then headed south. The larger bird (likely Mystery) flew inside the box. The team is very excited to have them back at the CTV tower!!!

Photo courtesy of Tara Hurley

Pick a site, any site

March 13, 2022 - Kitchener - CTV-Bell Media Tower

Lisa Reh Reports:

The KW fledge watch team started watching St. Mary’s Hospital and surrounding areas this year. Activity was reported that the KW Peregrines were active at this hospital and sure enough they are hanging out here. Other recent sightings have been from downtown Kitchener near King and Queen Streets. No leg bands are on the 2 that were spotted this day at St. Mary’s. Likely, they are the same pair Mystery and her Mystery mate as last year. There is ongoing construction scheduled at the hospital this year and the team is concerned that this will disrupt the St. Mary’s nest site.

Ralph confirmed that there were 2 peregrines on the building, one on the far left side of the runway and the second on the platform directly below. There were no workers or swing stage set up in the area, as was the week before. Karen also checked the CTV nest site across from Grand River Hospital on King Street and saw a red tail hawk on the hospital antenna, but no peregrines in sight.

On March 22, Karen drove by St. Mary’s in the morning and sighted one adult on the ledge of the runway window. The other adult wasn’t anywhere to be seen. On March 24 Fraser also confirmed seeing one adult on the left runway in the morning.

Photos courtesy of Karen von Knobloch

A quiet day

June 17, 2021 - Kitchener - CTV-Bell Media Tower

Lisa Reh Reports:

Wendy took the early shift and reported: “All four juveniles have flown this morning. At one time all four were on the roof at the right. Several food drops have been made; currently two are still on the roof and two are on the awning feeding. It’s a little quieter this morning.” At 8:20 Kim and Mary Ann joined the watch. It was still fairly quiet. Mom and Dad were on the antenna, three juvis were on the right side roof and one on the left side of the runway. A bit of flying off and on this morning.

Karen reported at 11:24 that “Care, Compassion and Discovery are tucked in the left corner of runway level. Faith is on the upper right building tucked against the wall. One adult did a quick flight and the other has been gone for quite a while.” It was a pretty quiet afternoon.

Photos courtesy of Karen von Knobloch

Faith is soaring higher!

June 16, 2021 - Kitchener - CTV-Bell Media Tower

Lisa Reh Reports:

Kim started the cold morning watch early and at 5:15 and reported that all were in the air! Two flew back to the building. A food drop was served just before 6:00. Three juvis were on the runway and one stayed on the roof. Dad came in a bit later and landed on the cross. A few minutes later the juvi that was on the roof flew to the cross and assumed Dad’s place.Mom dropped more food at 8:30.

Sandye reported at 11:00 a.m. that “there has been quite a bit of flying by one juvenile in particular and now a second one has joined in. At one point there were two young and both adults flying around.”

Wendy’s 5:00 p.m. update: “All 4 juveniles were on the runway in the right corner. Then Faith took off for a couple of long soaring flights. She was accompanied for the second flight by Dad, who at one point struck a turkey vulture who flew too close and sent feathers flying! The pair soared high up, and Faith was able to successfully land on top of the tower at the highest vantage point of the hospital. As Kath and I were leaving she took off again. It was a beautiful show! Someone stopped me in the parking lot and asked what we were looking at. He had seen us several times, and thought we were looking up at loved ones in the hospital since we couldn’t visit them. I told him we were looking at loved ones, since we have definitely formed attachments to the peregrines :-)”

Jamie ended the watch with this report: “Interesting night. Faith soared circles high up and distant for over 30 minutes. The kids were feisty. Some wrestling on the roof and in the air. They were not happy when Mom appeared after being absent for several hours with no food. Finished the night with two on the cross after driving dad off and two on the roof.”

KW grines are flying well!

June 15, 2021 - Kitchener - CTV-Bell Media Tower

Lisa Reh Reports:

It was a cool and windy day as Kim started the watch, just before 5:00 a.m. Discovery was still on the window sill. 30 minutes later, he flew from the window sill and had a nice landing on the release roof. All juveniles were accounted for. At 8:00, Wendy reported that 3 of the juveniles were on the awning and Care was on the left side roof. There was some calling and a bit of wing flapping. Care has had several good flights. Martha reported there was a food drop on the awning at 9:45.

At the afternoon shift, Sandye, Carla, Dale, Martha and I were there. There was a food drop at 2:25 and another drop to the juvenile on the left runway ledge, all kids were fed. It was a relatively quiet afternoon watch, every so often the 3 kids on the runway would show up and flap a bit and then hunkered down again. One of the adults was on the cross and the other came in and out. Both hovered in front of the hospital showing the kids how it’s done.

David came back later and reported: “Both parents had gone off hunting a short time ago, and are back now. Dad landed on runway & disappeared again. There was a bit of squawking when he came back out on the ledge, but all is quiet again. Mom back on cross.” There has been lots of nice flying and quite a bit of excitement during the 5:00 to 7:00 shift today.

At the evening shift, Jamie reported: “A flurry of flights at sunset at 9:00. Two made it back to the runway near the nest. One crawled from the right side roof part way across the ledge above the runway. One ended up on the roof ledge above the Pleasant Ave windows.” The watch ended when it was dark and all things were quiet.

Photos courtesy of Katharine Werner

!!! Discovery fledges !!!

June 14, 2021 - Kitchener - CTV-Bell Media Tower

Lisa Reh Reports:

It was a cold and rainy fledgewatch today, as Wendy started the watch. Discovery was on a sill, one down from the runway! Which means he had his first flight, either late last night or early this morning. Care was on the roof and Faith flew to the dark green awning on the left hand side below the runway. All 3 juveniles have flown this morning. Two were perched on the windowsill below the runway and one made it back up onto the runway after missing the first time and ended up hanging in the mesh. The hospital has installed mesh all along the outside bricks as they are deteriorating and falling down - not the best material for a fledgling falcon.

Compassion was still being held as more watchers showed up for the release. It was still very rainy. At this point Care was on a fifth floor balcony, Discovery wet and uncomfortably perched on the windowsill below the runway. Faith on the dark green awning on the left side of the building. Just after 9:00, one of the adults flew off the cross to the east and the other was on the SE railing. At 9:10, Faith received a food drop. At 9:15 Compassion was released on the right side of the roof by the yellow railing and stayed on the corner in the rain. The adults made a big fuss and swooped around numerous times. Just after 10:00, Compassion made the move crossing the entire top ledge of the hospital to get to the adult perched on the south east corner. At 10:22, Discovery flew back to the left side of the hospital and tried to land where Compassion was but ended up on the runway underneath him and landed nicely.

At 11:15 Care had a lovely flight, circled around, and made it back up to the runway and landed well! At 12:30, Mom brought a starling to the green awning where two babies were now sitting. She then flew over to the right side of the runway to prep the food and Compassion flew over after her.

The evening watch was a bit quiet, except at one point both parents flew with 3 of the youngsters flew with them in front of the hospital. Discovery was hanging out on the sill opposite Pleasant Ave for most of the evening and looks like he might stay there for the night. Faith flew to him but hit the window pretty hard, but she recovered and flew back. The 3 little ones were all on the ledge and Discovery on the sill when the watch ended.

Photos courtesy of David von Wahl, Rudy Kruppa and Karen von Knobloch

!!! Compassion has been found and rescued, again !!!

June 13, 2021 - Kitchener - CTV-Bell Media Tower

Lisa Reh Reports:

Another early morning watch for Wendy. One of the juveniles took a flight and ended up on a windowsill one level down. There was no sign of Compassion. Wendy reported at 8:41, that: “Compassion has been located at the top of a spruce tree on Pleasant Ave. Hopefully high enough to get some lift. Three juveniles were just fed and adults currently perched overhead.”

The watch was ramped up this morning, at 10:15, Sandye reported: “The three babies on the hospital are on the move! Lots of flapping and we think Care just flew from the left to the right and back!” and at 10:48, Care successfully flew around the hospital and landed on the green ledge under their usual spot. Compassion has flown from Pleasant Street and Tim went to look for her. 10 minutes later, Carla reported: “Compassion left his perch on Pleasant Avenue, and we lost sight of him. A car pulled up and said that the young falcon was on the road. Tim and Sandye went after him, and he flew and hit a sign, and landed just past the parking lot. They are rescuing him now and the police are there to assist from my vantage point.” Bryton again had to come and assess another downed falcon. Compassion will be held overnight and released in the morning! Another busy day for the incredible KW team!!

!!! Compassion fledges !!!

June 12, 2021 - Kitchener - CTV-Bell Media Tower

Lisa Reh Reports:

It was an early start at just after 5:00 for Wendy who was first on the watch. She reported: “Food already brought in. All three juveniles were feeding. The parents were flying but are now perched on opposite ends of yellow railing.” Fraser joined the watch and reported that Care was successfully released at 8:10 and flew immediately. He made a short flight to another part of the roof and then a longer flight to circle around and join his siblings on the ledge. All 4 were reunited again!

The rest of the day was fairly uneventful, some wing flapping on the ledge and the adults making some nice flights trying to entice the juveniles to fly. At 8:41, Tara reported that Compassion flew and ended up about 12 feet up in a pine tree! He ended up coming to the ground and rescued, was released but went missing shortly after. The search will have to be continued in the morning.

!!! Looking for Care and Faith fledges !!!

June 11, 2021 -

Lisa Reh Reports:

Kim was at the watch first and discovered Faith (white band) on the lower rooftop opposite Queens Blvd & Pleasant Avenue at 7:20. Compassion (red) and Discovery (yellow) were on the runway while boths adults watched over them. Care was not in sight. As more watchers showed up, they started searching the rooftops and grounds for Care. The hospital has inner courtyards at the hospital, making it challenging for the volunteers.

At 11:21, Sandye reported: “Mama brought a package back to the ledge and started prepping. Looked like she was going to keep it for herself but then she dropped some on the ledge and the babies dove in. Next thing we knew she had a piece of the prey in her talons and dropped it on the entrance side of the ambulance bay. We think it landed on the rooftop there.Two babies out on the ledge and Mama and Papa on the cross”. At 12:30, Paayal located the 3rd chick on the other side of the hospital. Rudy contacted the hospital engineer to check the upper rooftops for the missing fledgling.

Tony arrived and reported at 3:40: “Faith went for a flight and ended up on the ground. Wendy, Martha, Micah and I attended quickly and Wendy wasn’t quite able to capture Faith the first time. She flew across the road, skidding on the road along the way and stopped in the middle of the one drive lane. Wendy quickly put on her teacher’s voice and stopped traffic. She had a safety vest on so it was perfect. She then captured Faith with the black towel and we put her in a carrier. She managed to free herself from the towel and seemed unhurt.” Bryton was notified and was coming for an assessment. In the meantime Faith was hydrated and seemed happy to have some water. Care was still unaccounted for.

At 4:30, Discovery and Compassion received food on the left end of the ledge. Bryton had arrived and was doing an assessment on Faith. At 4:50, Faith was given a clean bill of health and was released from the hospital rooftop. She made a great flight about 15 minutes after her release and landed on the top of the roof in front of the H.

At 5:30, Bryton came back and a nurse called him over and led him straight to Care! He was grounded in the middle area of the hospital. Care will be held overnight for some TLC and will be released tomorrow morning. Care was very happy to get some water from the spritzer! Heather reported.

At the end of the watch, David observed that Faith had taken several excellent flights! Mom and Dad were fighting over food! The 3 juveniles were on the runway, one adult on antenna while the other was off hunting.