
Back to the CTV nest box!

March 30, 2022 - Kitchener - CTV-Bell Media Tower

Lisa Reh Reports:

At 2:30 today, Martha spotted 2 falcons back at the old CTV nest site across from Grand River Hospital!! One was on the ledge of the nest box and the 2nd arrived shortly after. They both entered the box then one left and took up a watch on the drum tower. Martha also headed to St. Mary’s Hospital but no peregrines were seen. Ralph confirmed that they were rarely seen at St. Mary’s this past week. The activity from the workers and swing stage could have encouraged them to move to the CTV site.

Later on that evening Tara reported seeing one at the King’s Towers apartment building. It flew to the tower and directly into the CTV Tower nest box! The second adult circled around the apartment tower and then headed south. The larger bird (likely Mystery) flew inside the box. The team is very excited to have them back at the CTV tower!!!

Photo courtesy of Tara Hurley