
Pick a site, any site

March 13, 2022 - Kitchener - CTV-Bell Media Tower

Lisa Reh Reports:

The KW fledge watch team started watching St. Mary’s Hospital and surrounding areas this year. Activity was reported that the KW Peregrines were active at this hospital and sure enough they are hanging out here. Other recent sightings have been from downtown Kitchener near King and Queen Streets. No leg bands are on the 2 that were spotted this day at St. Mary’s. Likely, they are the same pair Mystery and her Mystery mate as last year. There is ongoing construction scheduled at the hospital this year and the team is concerned that this will disrupt the St. Mary’s nest site.

Ralph confirmed that there were 2 peregrines on the building, one on the far left side of the runway and the second on the platform directly below. There were no workers or swing stage set up in the area, as was the week before. Karen also checked the CTV nest site across from Grand River Hospital on King Street and saw a red tail hawk on the hospital antenna, but no peregrines in sight.

On March 22, Karen drove by St. Mary’s in the morning and sighted one adult on the ledge of the runway window. The other adult wasn’t anywhere to be seen. On March 24 Fraser also confirmed seeing one adult on the left runway in the morning.

Photos courtesy of Karen von Knobloch