

June 04, 2024 - Toronto - Don Mills

Cathy Kerr Reports:
Wow, 7 days already!  I wish I could say that they were all in the air, but they are not!
I arrived to find Roshan on top of the nest box! Yay,  tick that box off!  Mike was there and had found everyone.  Roshan had so much more confidence this morning-hopping off the next box and then back on, lots of wingersizing and running up and back on the ledge.   I thought maybe….
Ted and Rob joined us.  The boys were in the air and having fun.  They returned to the next ledge for some sibling time…all three on the top of the nest box.  So cute.
Then the boys were off and Roshan decided to try to ledge walk…oh Roshan, so wish you hadn’t done that!  She slipped and went down but saw the ledge below and went for it.  Very unladylike and very clumsily she went(lots of pictures to prove that!).  I thought that she had dropped down onto the ledge but when I saw Ted’s pictures, I realized that she actually turned and hit the ledge.  No wonder she spent the rest of the afternoon down,  Now she did get right up and then ledge walked to the next ledge( we knew from Tava’s experience that it was a bit larger ledge there).  I observed her and saw that her legs were good, her wings were fine and could wingersize like mad when she wanted lol.
So while we watched an empty ledge(Bob had joined us by now), the boys and Mom & Dad put on an amazing aerial show!  Chasing, circling, thermals, more chasing and a few boys spats!  Absolutely fantastic-cannot believe how good they have gotten in such a short time!!    Bob, Ted and Rob had to go, so missed it unfortunately but Mike and I were thoroughly entertained.    Tava even did a food exchange with Dad–and right in front of me!  It was just the best!  To think just on Sunday he hit that glass and was in a carrier…it is a wonderful feeling.
Now he had that prey from dad, he mantled it and Dad left.  Then Simba flew over–and stole it from him!!  After all that hard work lol.  Simba rules I guess.
It was time for a rest.  Rob and Ted returned and saw a few good flights.  Roshan stayed where she was and did not get fed, much to her disappointment.  And our boys picked the same building to spend the night, this time one window apart.
Hopefully Roshan will get her mojo back and get in the air tomorrow.  And I know the boys will continue to entertain us!
Enjoy the pics from Ted, Rob and Mike!