

June 01, 2024 - Toronto - Don Mills

Cathy Kerr Reports:
I arrived to find everyone as I left them. Litterly. Simba and Roshan asleep on nest. Tava still in same spot as last night.
One new addition, a pigeon. Poor guy hiding out under the trees just behind me. Boy did he fly through the wrong neighborhood!!
Simba and Roshan were hanging out… Roshan’s down is really disappearing fast.  And Simba did an amazing jump and hover over the length of the nest ledge. He’s so ready, just doesn’t know it yet!
I was joined by Mike and he came at the right time.  Tava had been down napping, but then popped up and he was off!  With parent by his side, he flew to the 3rd level on the building across from the nest box.  Good landing but it’s a tiny ledge.  Simba was so excited to see him. Tava was figuring things out when in came a parent with food, calling to him and they took it to the nest ledge where Simba and Roshan quickly grabbed it, think Simba won out.
Well, that was enough for Tava - off he flew across the street, banked(!), flew across and landed perfectly on the nest ledge!!! Way to go Tava! Very impressive.  His greetings from his siblings would have to wait, as they were eating lol.  Then cutess overload as the siblings beaked and caught up. The boys hung out on the nest box roof. They were adorable.
Rob and Ted joined us.
The rest of the afternoon was pretty quiet. But the parents helped to entertain us by bringing in multiple feedings.
Ted and Mike had to go so Bob, Rob and I settled in for the evening.
And boy, did we have fun!
We watched as both parents took out a turkey vulture and then Mom went after some Canadian geese again lol.
Then, Simba took off! He headed next door, Mom was with him like a shot! He banked and went in between the buildings, and Mom guided him to the top floor of the nest building, northwest corner!! Way to go Simba!! What a fantastic first flight! All that practicing off the nest box paid off big time.
Now as he left, Tava got so worked up… And he took off. Not as good a flight as his brother but landed next door, 3 levels down, again clinging to the window then dropped down. He could see Simba.
In the meantime, Simba finally did the ledge walk! Went right along until he was across from Tava. And then Tava tried to get to him. Twice and missed and went back to the same ledge. Then a third attempt. He was so close, I mean inches from making it, but no. Dropped, recovered and went back across.  Now, Mom said enough, and brought him food and beak fed him until he was stuffed.
She then took some more food to Roshan. So Simba ledge walked home! And got a lovely beak feeding from Mom. She stuffed both of them and took the rest off for a well deserved meal for herself.
Tava was down for the count. And so were Simba and Roshan, so we called it a day.  A very good day!
Looking forward to seeing the boys do some more good flights. Roshan is no where near ready… Going to be a long watch I think!
Unfortunately lots of rain for tomorrow during the day so might not see much but… They’ve been wrong before
Stay tuned…
Lots of pictures!
The first of Tava’s flight home are from Mike. Some from me and some from Rob!