
Our first fledge—just not a planned one!

July 01, 2023 - Toronto - Don Mills

Cathy Kerr Reports:

FLEDGE WATCH DON MILLS DAY 5: Valkyrie is off the ledge! Unfortunately, it wasn’t his idea… The day started early with both on the ledge, hungry. Complaining loudly. Finally Mom brought a small package which Lorelei grabbed immediately. Valkyrie found a tiny bit left behind. Bob joined me with Ted and Rob not far behind. Bob mentioned that noone had tried to ledge walk… Shortly after Valkyrie tried.. And slipped off, fell, recovered and flew out over the Purolator lot, around and behind the building across the street, right behind us. Bob headed back there while I headed to the front where I saw him come through the buildings, low. He crossed the street and I lost him due to the trees. Rob and I headed over, with Bob not far behind. Rob and I headed beside the parking garage and Bob went up.. And found him there. Rob and I went up at one end, Bob at the other. Could he jump up on the low retaining wall and maybe fly the short distance to the nest building? Nope. He tried to fly across the garage but got no height. Bob had gone down to the bottom of the ramp, I yelled down he needed rescuing. Valkyrie decided to try the stairs.. I headed over to cover his exit and Bob waited at the ramp. He went down a couple of steps, flew… Right at Bob!! He put his net up (he was headed to the road!) and Valkyrie went down, jumped into the flower bed where Bob put the net over him. Great job Bob! I got him into a towel, then into a crate for a much needed rest and time out. He spent a few hours in the nice air conditionined building, where our wonderful security guard Mano took great care of him until Mark and Marion got there. Now Quest had been on the copper building so she saw the whole thing go down. She knew we had him. Never moved or looked for him. Until Mark and Marion got there. Then she went up to the top of the building and was peering down on the roof area where we always released her kids! Time to get him up there lol. He was checked over by Mark, given a go ahead to be released. Bob and Mark put him up there…under Quest’s watchful eye. She never said a word. Her boy was back. Meanwhile, Lorelei was looking for her brother.. She checked out the same ledge, started to do the same thing but changed her mind and got back, whew. Then she was hungry. And boy did she complain, loudly. Demanding… Took a little tantrum and jumped up on the nest box! That took her mind off her tummy lol. She spent most of the rest of the day up there. Just as well as rain and thunder rolled through. Valkyrie did not pop up… He had had a stressful day so not surprised. Lorelei finally got her way, and got beak fed by her Mom. And so the day ended. It’s supposed to rain all day tomorrow, so we’ll see what the kids do with that!

Ted and Rob have some great pictures which I will share tomorrow when they get them to me. In the meantime, these are a few that I took.
Happy Canada Day!!