
Fledgwatch Day 3 Don Mills Amexon. Logan MIA and Flynn comes to ground and gets released on a roof

June 27, 2021 - Toronto - Don Mills and Eglinton - Amexon

Cathy Kerr Reports:

Sally reports:

We arrived this morning to find Flynn two ledges higher than where we left her last night. Fantastic! Did a walk and drive about to see if we could see Logan but no luck (we remain hopefull the parents know where his is and we see him this week).
Returning from our Logan search, we found Flynn on the Intel building across from where we’d last seen her, but, she was lower and definitely wouldn’t be fed that low. We checked her for a full crop but no, definitely hadn’t been fed a big breakfast before we arrived. After a couple of hours, with the heat rising, and Flynn hunkered down in a tiny patch of shade, we headed out to get lunch.
When we returned she was still there, screaming for food whenever a parent flew over. She eventually flew over to the Good Life parking garage roof, a little higher, and when she finally flew over the large parking lot, to her nest building, it was quite a nice high flight. If she’d landed successfully she would have been high enough for a rewarding feed. It was windy though, and Flynn didn’t pull up and consequently hit a window quite hard. Too hard to drop to the ledge and stay put. She rebounded and flew around to a much low ledge. Damn. Too low to be fed.
She also stayed there for a long time, and had us a little worried because it was a while before we saw her stretch her wings after her window smack. She ran back and forth whenever she saw the parents, and eventually attempted to fly but literally flapped to the ground. Cathy almost had her but she flapped and ran into an alcove and Cathy scooped her up. She hissed and bit through the towel which was a good sign (still had some sass!). Into the carrier she went. OK, roof top much better than a very low ledge, and the easiest roof for us to access was the old nest building. We didn’t expect to see her hop up on the roof ledge before close. We just hope she’s reunited with her parents and gets fed.
I can’t believe it’s “only” day 3 of this fledge watch. It feels much longer, probably because we’ve had very long days and closed the last two days worried. We also have a new female at this site to observe, very young (her first year as a mom) and Chester is deferring to a new partner. I think Cathy and I have been fledge watching about 10 years, but we have been fortunate that this site has had the same pair until this year. Gone is the usual predictable behaviour of the adult pair.
Thanks as always to the security staff at this site who have been so very supportive, and escorted us up to the roof today.
Come home Logan, wherever you are, and fingers crossed for Flynn.