
Canuck stays put for another day!

June 07, 2020 - Toronto - Don Mills

Cathy Kerr Reports:

DAY 4 Fledge watch Toronto/Don Mills/old Harlequin: The day started out promising, Canuck was really hopping(literally) and flying along the ledge. Seemed like all was good for a flight but Mom & Dad had other plans. They got fed and Mom stayed in the nest box with the kids pretty well all afternoon, which tends to keep the kids put. But Canuck did do one big boy thing-he hopped up onto the top of the nestbox, just like Mom does! Then there were many alarm calls and Mom & Dad were off like a shot and gone for quite a while. When they came back, it was late afternoon. And things were quiet. We did see a lovely fly in by both parents, in sync,(very cool) with food at the end of the evening. Their bedtime meal  . And after that , the three of them were huddled together at the nestbox, ready for bed lol. Tomorrow is another day…..