
Sunday Outing

June 21, 2015 - Toronto - Don Mills

Ann Brokelman Reports:

I took MC and Glenda to see the peregrines at harlequin today. Two hours of amazing flight and excitement.

Arrived at 9:30 to no sign of peregrines. Did a walk about and I heard them coming via screams to the east. Looked up to see them chasing each other. Went to the check on them to have the third juvenile fly in as well. One on the white box on roof Harper, one on top ledge Berkley and one on the top window ledge Kline. Suddenly Harper took off and flew around building landing in same spot. Next Berkley stretch his wing and off around building. Kline didn’t move. The screaming started and I was looking for quest when she took a fast turn around the pink building and the chase began. At first it was Quest and Harper. The chase was fast with quest doing turns a pilot could only dream of. Harper was upside down and gliding around building very tight. Then Berkley and finally Kline joined in. Quest took off for the Thales building and there sitting on ledge was Skye. Harper made it to Thales tried to knock off Skye gave up and went around corner, Berkley landed on Thales roof and finally Kline took off and went around Thales building. For five minutes no peregrines. Then Skye came back with a package so the chase was on again. Quest took th package from Skye and then Harper wins the package but he sure had to work for it. He finally landed on the window ledge of building while Berkley and Kline played chase with high speed chased and well the most amazing thrill watching them. They were very high up and in the sky. They finally came back to rest.

So all birds are back on building. I was breathless watching them. Knew we had a few minutes so I took a walk around the building. I found two peregrine impact with powder on harlequin building. Photos attached. So while they are flying well they have made impact with window enough speed to leave their image on window.

The final session was Skye arriving with another package to which Quest stole immediately from him. Quest left and so did Harper who flew to another window ledge. When quest left both Berkley and Kline followed her. Berkley came back with a package this time. They never just fly they are magic in the air. Exciting fast and so entertaining. It was not stop action till 1130. At that time I left with quest on the side building preening herself, another peregrine juv eating on corner ( could not see band) and the other two not to be seen.

What a day.

My friends were so excited

Never seen so much action in a few hours

Used to be the magic hour was evening but at harlequin it is morning.

No photo of Kline but he was flying well today. He is the only one that did not receive a package while I was there.
