
Loud and Lazy at MEC

July 01, 2013 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Tracy Simpson Reports:

So here we are on June 24, a full 12 days into the watch and still Ashley has yet to get it together. Katherine started off the morning at 6:30 AM doing a quick check of our young lady who was sitting beneath the Desjardins sign watching as her father flew with food around the complex of four buildings trying to tease her off. Ashley was content to just watch, not motivated at all to take flight to the air and was quite happy to sit in her little window well and enjoy the morning. Dad had other plans that clearly required his daughter to participate in. Cass was over at the nest box  watching as her mate did his utmost best to try and tease his daughter into the air it was clear that she had absolutely no interest. Margaret arrived at 9 AM to find Ashley practicing her napping underneath the Desjardins sign on the edge of the window well. When she finally did wake up Ashley did become more active then had been seen in previous days and was now hopping the gaps along the south face of building three. Katherine join Margaret at the lunch hour I’m sure in the hopes of seeing some activity but by this time little Miss Ashley was down in the window wells sound asleep. For almost the entire afternoon little miss lazy tail decided to spend her time in the window well preening, napping and I’m sure playing with what feathers and other objects she could find. It wasn’t until later that evening at around 7:30 PM that Katherine found her up and actively screaming at the adults for food. Ashley has yet to realize that there is a clear order to things in life. It is not demand and supply. The closest thing to a flight out of Ashley that Katherine was able to witness this evening was a short flight between letters on the south face of building three. While she has clearly claimed the J for herself, she was experimenting with other letters of the Desjardins sign and moving freely between them. By the time that dusk fell, she was back down in her favorite window well and was sound asleep yet again. For all the efforts that the parents made today to try and get young Ashley to fly it just wasn’t meant to be. Hopefully tomorrow will be a much better flying day.