
June 30th Report for MEC - Ashley, Where Art Thou Ashley

June 30, 2013 - Mississauga - Executive Centre

Bruce Massey Reports:

After leaving MEC last night without having Ashley in our sights, it was our first order of business today to ascertain her current location.  As she had flown undetected, we were unsure whether she had crossed back over Hurontario to the MEC complex or not so we began the search with her last known location. I went around the CIBC and Accenture buildings with no luck and scanned across to the MEC complex as well.  No sign of Ashley.  I expanded my search south and circled the Morguard building and found Ashley on the west side on a ledge below the roof.  There she sat looking as though breakfast had already been served and she was quite comfortable in her new location.  She remained there for the bulk of the day moving along the ledge following the shade.  At one point, Sante arrived with food for her, a small package, and landed on the ledge with her.  She gladly took it from him and immediately claimed the prize.  Not more than 10 minutes later, Sante returned with another small package and attempted to draw her off of the ledge and into the air.  Instead of showing interest, Ashley mantled over the remains of her first snack and hid it from Sante who was attempting to offer her more.  He finally gave up and left with the food, stashing it for another attempt later.  When I left the site in the later afternoon, Ashley was still on the west ledge of the Morguard building napping away and preening her feathers relentlessly.  Boy does this girl love to preen!  We will check back with her tomorrow and see whether she has made any further progress in getting back home.