
!!! Huge Flight

July 08, 2013 - Toronto - King Street

Linda Woods Reports:

We have just had torrential rain in Toronto, causing flooding along the DVP, subway stoppage and power outages. Incredible amount of  rain.

  I took a look out my window to check if there were any peregrines in view from the King St. nest site. I just happen to see one of the young girls take off heading east. It attempted a landing on the St. James Cathedral  spire and aborted it flew around and continued east and out of my view.  Five minutes later it flew back into my view, a second attempt to land on the spire and missed the landing. It then continued west towards the King St nest building. Attempted to land on the roof to the King Edward Hotel and aborted that landing, perhaps too fast. It continued east and landed on the upper roof level of a building just east of the King Edward Hotel. Huge flight. I’m happy it landed before another huge rainfall approaching the  downtown core.

The amount of rain is unbelievable. It just doesn’t rain It POURS and heavy, heavy rain.  I hope all the fledglings are keeping safe.