
Loki in action!

June 24, 2013 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Monday June 24, 2013 Yellow Page Evening Watch

Loki taking his first flight tonight

Loki is the star of today! Loki was still at the top horizontal ledge (the same place we left him on June 23 night) running around like crazy when I arrived afterwork at 7:15pm to join David Currie and Kathy for a short watch. The mischievous baby Loki is very fond of practising his high beam balancing skill right on the ledge edge or corner.
Then with a blink of an eye, Loki slipped/fell off the horizontal ledge, landed on the first floor canopy. He fully took advantage of this extended space to run and test fly. On a few occasion, we saw him lifted off and in air during his run/fly practice. Just when we thought that we would have an easier evening, Loki took flight towards the east back side of the building and disappeared. Kathy, David and me sprinted into hot pursuit of him. Not seeing him on the ledge, we searched for him on ground for about 10 minutes but to no avail. Then Kathy and me got a call from David, that Loki had shown himself up on the other first floor Canopy, right underneath the next ledge, on the other side of the building. What a relief!
What is also interesting is Loki had definitely took a leap of faith to reach the other end of the canopy because there is this space of about 15 ft to 20 ft at least that the canopy is disconnected.
His new position gave us some closer photos we have ever taken on him since his banding. Isn’t he cute and getting handsome?!