
Quest and Kendal Give a Kestrel a Lesson in Territory

March 09, 2013 - Toronto - Don Mills

Bruce Massey Reports:

When I arrived Quest was on the south side of the Harlequin building and Kendal was on the top of 240 Duncan Mill Road sunning themselves.  All of a sudden Kendal began to alarm call and a large bird flew through to the north that looked like a heron.  Neither bird moved as the bird flew to the north and disappeared.  A minute later both adults began to alarm call and a brave little American kestrel took a run at Quest!!  Kendal took off towards his mate as this was all happening and then Quest was also in the air.  Both adults took off after the kestrel and there was an aerial exchange of swoops and words with the wee interloper.  The kestrel took off to the west and both adults returned to their roosts.  A few minutes later, Kendal flew over and was about to breed with Quest but veered off at the last minute.  Spring is in the air for sure and nesting is very much on their mind.  Kendal returned to his perch and remained for only a few minutes before the pair took off in a courtship flight together.  Excellent to see the pair renewing their bonds!!