
Site Check at Hilton Garden Inn; No One Home

January 14, 2013 - International, National and Local News

Tracy Simpson Reports:

As recent events have tied this site with the William Osler Hospital, I am trying where possible to monitor both for activity by the peregrines in the area.  As I drove to the site I could see two birds on the antenna of the Holiday Inn on Airport Road.  This is just opposite the Hilton Garden Inn, is a perfect sightline for the Hilton and alt Hotels and is an area that Claire has been seen defending.  As I approached the site, both birds flew off to the east and I followed one as it travelled.  The bird came down low near the Doubletree Hotel on Dixon Rd and was definately on a hunt.  I located the bird and it was an enormous female Red Tailed hawk.  Usually when the RT hawks sit on the Holiday Inn, Claire gives them all she’s got to move them off as this is a hunting area for her.  I have on several occasions watched her stooping on any loafing raptor on this roof.  She must have been out of the area to allow this disregard for her territory.

I drove back along Dixon to Airport Rd and saw two sizeable birds whipping through the Hilton Garden Inn area towards the airport.  I cannot say what species they were for certain, but flight style suggests peregrine.  I checked the Caroga Drive hotels and the alt Hotel but no peregrines were to be found. 

I will be attempting to include the Viscount Road area in my site checks as often as I can as the sites are only 4km apart.  I have posted a map showing the distance as the peregrine flies.  So far, no sign of Claire or Casper at the site or in the area but this is not unusual for the peregrines or at this time of year in general.  I will keep you posted.