
Jack and O’Connor at Home

January 15, 2013 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

Tracy Simpson Reports:

Yesterday I stopped by for a visit at the Etobicoke Sun Life nest site and found O’Connor perched high on the west tower and Jack nowhere in sight.  After a few minutes, O’Connor flew off of her perch straight to the nest ledge and landed right in the tray.  As she bowed and chupped, Jack flew in from the south and swooped up to the sloped window section of the ledge.  The two exchanged a few words before settling down for a few minutes.  O’Connor was feeling a little hungry and decided to line herself up for lunch.  While O’Connor opted to shop for fresh stuff, Jack was content to fly up to the ledge to the right of the nest ledge and have leftovers.

O’Connor flew over to the west tower looking north and in a blink of an eye she was off.  I circled around to the Lomond parking lot to try and relocate her and the pigeons were going wild.  The next thing I see is O’Connor circling with a pigeon in tow and I am amazed at the size comparison.  A pigeon is no easy meal to carry but she managed quite well as she circled up to the hydro tower at the subway.  Before I could get there she had already taken off with her meal to the nest building and was chowing down.

It was very nice to see the pair together on such a sunny day and I look forward to seeing more of them in the coming months.