
!!! Home is where the heart is! But the nest box helps allot!!

November 21, 2012 - Toronto - Don Mills

CPF Postmaster Reports:

November 21st - 2012

Despite the fact that Quest and Kendal have been not very visible these days (although pretty typical of most all of our urban resident territorial adult peregrines throughout the winter months), they have been very much around watching the happenings and all of the ongoing work around the 220 Duncan Mill nest building. Yesterday, (November 20th) we received a flurry of calls from watchers reporting that both Quest and Kendal were very visible around the three Duncan Mill buildings involved in several “fly-byes” of the nest ledge obviously pretty excited about the return of their nest box.

While they kept their distance and didn’t actually land on the 220 Duncan Mill nest building, they were more than interested in the fact that the nest box was back on ledge!

Stay tuned, as we should start seeing them more often in the next few weeks, and hopefully we’ll catch some camera views of them back in the nest box in the evenings after the workmen have left the work site for the day. I’m sure that Quest will have some house-cleaning and straightening-up to do once she gets back in the nest box :-)