
!!! Some great camera screen shots of Quest and Kendal

October 12, 2012 - Toronto - Don Mills

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Friday Oct. 12th - 2012 Continued
Again thanks to Nona for the great screen shots of Quest involved in a leisurely afternoon in the nest box tidying up and re-arranging things. After spending an afternoon of nest box maintenance, Quest takes and opportunity to capitalize on the warm sun light that has absent for the last week given all of the rain and overcast conditions that we’ve all had to deal with.

Kendal visited several times throughout the day, roosted outside of the nest box but only stayed a short time during each of the visits.

At this time, it appears that all of the mortar work on the south side of the nest building (the same side of the building that Quest and Kendal have been nesting on) is all but completed, with the exception of the nest box ledge itself. We can expect to see the nest box removed soon as they will have to complete the repairs to this final ledge very soon.

Approved by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, the nest box will be temporarily removed from its place on the ledge during the final stages of the work on this ledge to allow the ledge repairs to be completed.

We have already observed the ledge repair process up until this point. There is ledge prepped - (scraped, cleaned and finally swept clean), than the application of the new mortar. It would appear that some of the ledges are then covered with a mortar paint type sealer that can only be applied once the mortar has finally dried. * (See attached photos of the processes).

The good news is that the ledge prep and mortar application is easily completed in less than two hours per section. Application of a sealer to the dried mortar takes less time again.

We are to understand that the final application of aluminum work will also be done on all elevations of the building, and is the final step.

So far, Quest and Kendal have handled all of the on-going construction activities, (cranes, lifts, jack-hammering and other human activities) going on around the nest ledge over the past month just fine.

It will be most interesting to see just how Quest and Kendal will react to the nest box having been removed. As you might expect, the process is being monitored very closely by all to ensure that the peregrines are not hurt or harassed during the ongoing processes.

The nest box will be returned back to the ledge no later than December 31st - 2012

Given what has already been documented of the ledge work, it is very likely that the aluminum work needed on the nest ledge itself will be the first that they do, so that the nest box can be returned back the ledge much sooner than December.

Stay tuned…………..