
!!! Panagiotis Spotted and Photographed Doing Well

August 30, 2012 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

Frank Butson Reports:

Ann Brokelman sent me a few photos to ID a Peregrine from. After some quick investigation, I found out it was Panagiotis, one of this year’s young. He was looking very healthy, terrorizing shorebirds, ducks and gulls at Rouge Beach. Thanks Ann for the great photos. You can clearly see the black over black R over 42 band in the photo and Panagiotis’ blue tape.

It’s always exciting and rewarding for us to receive news that one of the young Peregrines which CPF volunteers have watched over or in the case of Panagiotis rescued, is alive and well.  More photos will follow soon.

Panagiotis In Flight Panagiotis' Band