
Lots of Action at Hilton Garden Inn

August 12, 2012 - International, National and Local News

Tracy Simpson Reports:

Today I stopped in at the Hilton Garden Inn nest site to check up on Claire, her mystery man and her young one.  I first went to the alt Hotel where all three birds will roost throughout the day and found Claire on the eastern sign preening.  I circled the building and found no other peregrines and so I left for the Hilton which we believe is the actual nest location.  When I arrived, I found the juvenile on the south facing Hilton sign and I continued until I could see the northeast corner of the building.  There is a ledge just below the roof level that both resident adults use very frequently as a roost spot.  It was there that I found the resident male preening.  He didn’t stay there long but instead ran down to the eastern edge and sat briefly before taking off.  He took off flying due south on a very serious mission followed closely by his juvenile.  I moved positions over to the alt hotel and sat watching Claire for a while.  It wasn’t long before the adult male came in and landed on the east face of the hotel and was ee-chupping away.  The two adults, one on the east side and one on the south, sat preening and relaxing until a wailing juvenile arrived and chased the male right off of his perch.  He flew around the building, circled back and headed straight east out of sight.  I left Claire and her young one to enjoy the afternoon at alt and the adult male to seek out a quiet place to the east.