
Don Valley ICICI Site Check

August 11, 2012 - International, National and Local News

Bruce Massey Reports:

 As I arrived, an adult flew in from southwest and flew to the north of the nest building while vocalizing. Five minute or so later, an adult flew to the DeBeers building followed by a juvenile. The adult headed southwest and toward the Foresters building. The juvenile then met up with the adult and continued over to the Foresters building where they continued to fly about. After continuing around the nest building and getting my truck and going over to Don Mills, I saw a PeFa being stooped by a smaller bird (Probably a AK) to the west of the Foresters building.

As I was driving East on Eglinton and was just about to go under the Don Valley Parkway, a PeFa flew in from the north. As I was driving, I really only got a very quick look and couldn’t tell if it was an adult or juvenile.