
!!! Two juvenile fledlings still doing well, but Eagan is still M.I.A.

July 09, 2012 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages

CPF Volunteer Reports:

On both July 9 and July 11, I dropped by the Yellow Page nest site after work for quick checks on the peregrine falcon family.

On July 9, 2012, all the way while I was still driving towards the building, I could make out the shape of two peregrine falcons on the west side of the building. As soon as I parked my car and went to the field across from YP, both of them disappeared. I stood there for about 15 mins with my camera and binoculars and just when I started doubting myself whether I really saw two peregrines, I saw a juvie poking its head and body out from the top level ledge. He was there less then 10 seconds before i could focus and take a good picture.

Then I realize another juvie just showed himself up near the right shoulder ledge on the same side. I was able to take more pictures of it and identify it as Albus. Albus was preening himself and staying at the ledge for about 5 minutes and then retreat to the corner again.

On July 11, 2012, as soon as i arrived at the parking lot, I saw the two fledgelings circling the top of the building chasing each other. Their flying skills have improved. Both were having a good time playing and chasing, talon tagging. There were a few attempts when they came closer to the pyramid top of the building and I think trying to land on those pipings lining the edges (just like Reuben and Linn like to do) but failed. Every time when they could not landed properly, they managed to gain a little bit of altitude and change direction, circle around the top and try again. They are very persistent and did not give up. It took them a few tries to sucessfully landed and I am very pleased.

Both of these fledglings are very elusive and definitely like to play hide and seek with us. So I feel very lucky on both occasions, being rewarded with appearances of little Paul and Albus.
