
The usual day to day conflicts in the daily life of a peregrine falcon.

June 25, 2012 - Toronto - King Street

CPF Postmaster Reports:

June 25th - 2012
Tonight we were up on the roof enjoying the temperate weather and saw two juveniles sitting on the roof ridge of 91 King Street East.

After a few minutes, we saw one of the juvies take wing and fly south east to a building in the direction of The Esplanade. Along the way, we heard a peregrine calling, and suddenly there were 3 peregrines in the sky around the Esplanade, the juvie, and one with dinner, and another one following closely behind. The adult with the food and one of the peregrines disappeared from view, while a juvie landed on the roof of 85 The Esplanade, looking westward in the direction of the parent (with dinner).

Out of nowhere, a smaller bird started harassing the (larger) juvie, making multiple strafing runs and eventually forcing the juvie to take flight. Out of nowhere, an adult raced up and engaged the smaller bird in a brief dogfight – raptorfight (?) – and ran the smaller bird off before disappearing behind Commerce Court.