
King Street Watch; Three Fliers and One Ledge Potato!!

June 12, 2012 - Toronto - King Street

Tracy Simpson Reports:

Observations by Marion

Aphrodite left 1 Toronto sometime early this morning and I found her when I arrived on the watch at the north west corner of the Wellington Square at the corner of Colborne and Victoria behind the King Ewdard where she spent most of the day. She made a short jaunt to the South West corner at Wellington and Victoria about 4:00 PM and spent the rest of the afternoon there. About 6:00 shortly after Paul arrived to close off the days watch with me a pair of Kestrels came in to pester her and were dispatched by Mom and Dad. this happened 3 times before she decided to try for the condo tower north on Victoria. She did not quite make the upper roof level and landed on a ledge that is part of a balcony about 5 floors down.  Mom did try to get her to take flight again to get to the top but no luck she was staying put and there she laid down to sleep.

The boys were seen flying high earlier in the afternoon landing on the roof of the nest building together so they have been flying high and strong for the last couple of days.   Dundee, the youngest of the four, is still on the nest ledge and has yet to take his first flights.  He is a bit of a ledge potato these days in the heat and humidity and I can’t say that I blame him.  He should take his first flight any day now.